
How will Hillary Clinton give heatlh insurance to homeless people?

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My other question is how will she provide health insurance to families that can't afford the most affordable plans?




  1. No, she won't get a chance.  And in fact no president is going to be able to do more than attempt to begin the cleanup after the 8-year F-fest that has been the Bush administration.  The economy alone is going to take decades to turn around.

  2. she won't - she doesn't have a clue how to help regular people

  3. Doctor Deth is right! Hillary hasn't really delineated how she is going to provide anything she is promising in her failing campaign. But you can bet if she does get into office, the funding will come from taxes (and not from taxpayers in her tax bracket) or special interest money.

  4. i will answer that in a different way... the socolist system in england failed.. free health insurance cancelled...... in canada the same.... in the bahamas.... less benefits... politicians are using this to get votes.. example the economy is in trouble with the price of oil.... and its getting worse week by week.. if they ever did get the universal health insurance.. it would have a effect worse than the escallating price of oil... also the mediacare has been in trouble since they enacted it.. now the price to insure has jumped to 97 a month and congress is going to raise that ... they cant keep  up with the claims and the amounts.... also they never pay the whole claim they pay about 40 percent of the bill and the rest is up to the patient.. and this system is failing.. so judge for yourself..

  5. She's not going to.  This is an election ploy.  She knows that it's not feasable - she's just trying to get the sucker votes.

    Don't you remember Bill, running on a tax cut?  Then he got voted in and said, "oh, well, now that I've seen the numbers, it's not going to happen."

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