
How will I achieve my life-long goal of making it big in Hollywood?

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Let me make this crystal clear: What I want to do with my life is act in Hollywood and achieve fame. I don't want the money, I just want to act and meet people in the process. I'm in high school and I perform with a children's company and I will probably have a lead in my school's play this spring. I really have a passion for acting, and it's my God-given talent. I can do a lot with it, a "drama queen", per se. I will probably study theatre in college, or something of the like...but, ultimately, how will I get myself noticed to be a big hit in Hollywood?




  1. Kid, most people, including the few that make it in Hollywood, never achieve the type of fame you apparently so desperately crave.  Show business is a very difficult venue and most never even get their foot in the door.  Generally, it isn't what you know but WHO you know.  You need connections in the business.  If you have a passion for acting then I suggest you act in any and everything you can in school, community theater, etc.  A love of craft is just that.  It does not include wanting to be famous.  I also suggest you stop telling others about your God-given talent.  That makes you sound VERY conceited and that will get you no where at all. Fame is fleeting and very subjective.  If your only ambition is fame, I guarantee you are headed for major disappointment.  FIrst you say you don't want the money, you just want to act and meet people.  Then you say you want to get noticed and be a big hit in Hollywood.  I suggest you get your head OUT of the clouds and stop living a fantasy.  Most actor and actress wannabes are waiting tables and will be for the rest of their lives while waiting for their big chance.  It's a business filled with disappointment and dashed dreams. I suggest too that you get an education so that when you DON'T achieve fame, you have something to fall back on.  You're going to need it, I guarantee. In addition, this question is asked and answered at least 100 times a week or more here on Yahoo.  Check the archives..  Seems EVERYONE here wants fame, fortune, etc., and they are living in a little fantasy world. Oh yes, and the guy who tells you to get an agent is in fantasy land too.  Agents deal through connections and they don't deal with minors.  They are VERY selective whom they take on as clients. You seem to feel youa re multi-talented.  I have a big flash for you.  There are scads and scads and scads of multi-talented people out there, most of whom will never make it in Hollywood or achieve fame.  That's life.

  2. Make yourself as multi talented as possible - versitility is a big selling point. So take voice lessons, dance lessons, and any other lessons that might be useful in a theatrical career. Sounds as though you are on track already, with the experience you are gaining. How do you get yourself noticed? That's a big question indeed. If there were a magic formula, then every Hollywood hopeful would be doing the same thing. It's parly talent, partly looks, and partly opportunity. To be in the right place at hte right moment. A good agent can help it happen - so perhaps your next step should be to find an agent (or a reputable agency) to take you on.

    Good luck to you.

  3. Well, I wouldn't waste my time going to college. When you get out of high school, you need to continue to build your resume until it is good enough to attract the attention of an agent (assuming your looks are, too).  Then it is up to you and your talent to get the roles the agent sends you to read for and then to play them extraordinarily well. And  have a heck of a lot of good luck as well.

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