
How will I perform in a debate of the topic "Reality shows must be banned" ?

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how will i start and end with it impressively..




  1. Hi,

    I'd start by talking about 1984 and the idea from way back when that we would all be watched by big brother.

    I think you need to be careful on how you chose to define 'reality tv' because the news can be defined as reality tv, so make it clear that for the purpose of argument, and because society doesn't generally look at the news as reality tv, that you are excluding it, and other current affair/documentary type shows as well from your argument.

    I would base my argument on the possibility that reality tv is making people feel ok about having their personal space invaded, us as a public are getting used of watching other people go about their business and we may slowly become more ok with other people watching our lives as well (excuse poor sentence structure).

    I would build up to the rhetorical question (as someone else has said would be a good idea) something along the lines of 'Would we rather live life or watch someone else live theirs?', 'Is our own life really so boring that we have to watch other people live theirs?'

    I don't know... just some ideas.... (this is my first answer to a question)

  2. Put lots of emotion- is it right to imprison people like in big brother

    start with a bang end with a stong point.

    at end ask a rehtorical question

  3. Depends on how hard you work preparing. Read as much about the topic in advance as you can online. Then, try to imagine what your opponent will say.

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