
How will McCain fund the Iraq/Afghan war?

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With an ever increasing budget deficit, a worsening recession, and ongoing stagfation in the loom, how will he fund the wars that he claims he will prolong indefinitely?

He sure isn't going to roll back the tax cuts and corporate welfare for the super-rich.

Is America ready for Social Security, Medicare and further college financial aid cuts?




  1. First he'd need to be elected president.  Should that happen our deficit would continue to grow until the war ended.  Actually, it would most likely still increase afterwards as our government is great at spending more than they take in.

    Afghanistan bankrupted the Soviet Union and now Afghanistan/Iraq will do us in.  We should have learned from Vietnam.

    No, American is not ready for more social service cuts, but they're coming.

  2. weve been in japan since world war 2 and we arent leaving anytime soon. did you know they actually pay for us to stay there. yeah we might pull out troops but we will always have an interest there. and i bet you a million bucks that when 9/11 happened you were all for the war werent you? and then we started to lose and you turned your back on your country. i suggest you learn how to speak arabaic and stop listening to stupid liberal hippies.

  3. We're screwed.Taxes will shoot up-gas prices will be $10 a gallon and our troops will continue to be killed for no apparent reason.Way to go Bush supporters.I feel bad for whoever wins the white house.Theyre gonna have a huge mess to inherit.

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