
How will Obama's and McCain's healthcare plans affect physicians?

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I looked at their pages and all I see is rhetoric and nonsense.




  1. There will be no nation health plan !

    Please do not bye there lies !

    The only ones that will receive free health care is the illegal  immigration and those that chose not to work !

  2. Obama's Healthcare plan would follow the model of Canada and the U.K. but that plan failed miserably. Their best physicians left for greener pastures and their advancements in the medical field fell apart. McCain would retain the best physicians and encourage young talented med students to graduate. While we're falling apart in education, manufacturing and agriculture, we're still number one in medicine. Why would any American want to change that?

  3. Um, someone remind me. Do they *have* plans for healthcare?

    If they're goin for universal healthcare, it will mean physicians won't make as much as they're used to. Plain and simple. I bet it'd still be the upper 10% of the socioeconomic status, but just not as much as not having universal healthcare.

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