
How will Obama accomplish real CHANGE with an old Washington Insider like Biden?

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I thought those guys were toxic.




  1. Simple - he won't.

  2. he will accomplish more change then McCain since McCain seems to think every thing is A ok.

    and why would he think other wise heck he has so many houses he's not sure how many he really has.

    why would he want to change anything ?  

    4 more years

    I don't think so

    Obama 2008!  

  3. I know they will make more change than Old Man McSame!  

  4. First everyone screams that Obama needs experience---so now that he got himself the experience he needs ever1 is screaming that he's too old....what's wrong with every1?  I would say that it isn't the age(and I also believe that Biden looks a lot better than McCain), I believe that it is a matter of "at heart".  Either Obama is "old at heart", or Biden is "young at heart", either way, the 2 are a perfect match.  Besides, just putting Obama in the White House is already REAL CHANGE, wouldn't you think?

  5. Obama chose a running mate that is EVERYTHING that he said he DID NOT stand for!  Obama chose a VP candidate that was definitely inside Washington politics, no different than Hillary or anyone else that has been in Washington for years.  It's really no surprise.  Obama needed someone with "experience" because that is what he is SERIOUSLY lacking... not only as far as foreign affairs go, but also in life.  Just because he knows what "googling" is, that doesn't mean he has any clue what it is like to be a "regular" American.  This guy has had EVERYTHING handed to him and has no experience in goverment.  Instead, he's in favor of partial birth abortions and higher taxes (factual information, based on his voting record).  Having an insider as his VP running-mate just solifies that he's going to end up being just like any other candidate...  

  6. Biden has the insider's perspective, and that's helpful to Obama. Biden's portfolio may come in handy too. But Biden won't be President. Obama will. Obama will call the shots.

  7. obama is the worst! everyone who agrees with me should go vote him down on this page.. you'll get a free gift card if you do!

  8. I think Biden will undermine the fool Obama

  9. He will do his own thing while the washington  insider watches.

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