
How will Obama cut taxes for the middle class?

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I want specific answers not rhetoric or platitudes.How will he give all americans health care.Will it be like Canada.Guess how they all get health care.Their pays checks are taxed by over 30%




  1. But, speaking as a Canadian, I don't have to worry that my entire life savings will disappear if I get sick ONCE.

    Th idea of socialized medicine is popular elsewhere, too - the US is the only country in the G8 that doesn't have it.

    And the US could easily fund a tax cut AND improved health care if it would get out of Iraq.

  2. We're taxed at around 30% here in America too, however you are right I think we are past empty rhetoric and need specific answers.  I'm all for change but I would atleast like to know what it is!!  I think that unless Obama can offer up some specific solutions as to how he plans to solve some of the problems that American's face then how could I possible vote for him.

  3. Obama is a detective agent of Osama bin laden

  4. There is no way he can cut taxes and provide health care. If he tries

    to place large profit taxes on companies they will move out of the United States and take their good paying jobs with them. Obama is

    for CHANGE and if he is elected that's all we'll be left with

  5. The man is blowing smoke up the American voters behinds, If can do all the things he promises this country would be a third worlder in 2 years.The man is appealing to the dumbest Americans who are looking for something for nothing.

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