
How will Obama give every child money for education without increasing our taxes?

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I want specific answers.Not empty rhetoric.




  1. well yur gonna get an empty rhetoric from me!! he just will! cuz he is obama! and he will be president! and prolly execute all the stupid u. so HA!

  2. Get a copy of his tax plan--ah, his income redistribution plan.  You'll love it.

  3. From his pocket

  4. I have news for you guys: No matter who gets elected, taxes WILL be raised. New presidents have programs they want to implement, and that costs money. Since our nation has a huge deficit, that money has to come from somewhere. Taxes will be raised, whether the candidates say or not.

  5. Gee

    Let me get this right.

    Obama will increase money for every child's education.

    I would be happy to pay a bit more tax for that. Would you?  

  6. He'll stop the war in Iraq. With that money you could send them all in an Ivy League university.

  7. He ll stop the war on iraq nd that ll give everyone 5 billion dollars each. & government funding,  

  8. He is going to increase taxes--just not on the middle class.  He will raise them on the people who can afford it---the upper class.  The last 8 years Bush has been protecting his rich buddies with tax cuts---that will come to an end.

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