
How will Obama pay for the 210 billion dollars in additional spending he has proposed.?

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How will Obama pay for the 210 billion dollars in additional spending he has proposed.?




  1. by taking it from wal-mart, google, ebay, and etc....forcing them to transfer jobs back over here...employing more Americans...which means more of us will have good paying jobs.

  2. By increasing taxes on those making 250,000 and above, and getting rid of all the unnecessary spending we have had the last 8 years. And by ending the war responsibly, sh*t we've spent more than twice that much over there alone

  3. Stop wasting money in Iraq.

  4. 1) By selling Lemonade on the white house lawn =  $50.00 a day

    2) By putting girl scouts out of business and going door to door and selling cookies himself. = $150.00 a day

    And Finally....

    3) By stopping that war in Iraq that we should have never gotten into.  That comes out to about 195 MILLION A DAY!!!!!

      Do the math and you'll see that he just might be able to reach that goal of 210 billion, but he MUST not forget that lemonade is only as good and the lemons you use!!!!!!

  5. By taxing the c**p out of people like you and me

  6. He will sell America to the highest bidder. And then he will turn them loose on us Americans. What an agenda. His hate for White America, will come shining through.

  7. With taxes on my savings.

  8. Taxes, how would you pay for it?

  9. Simple, he intends to tap into the largest personal assets retiring Americans have, their homes, via capital gains taxes. With the larger half of the baby boomer generation set to reitre in the next 15 years, many have put everything into their home equity, it is the largest resource availible. So, you youngsters get ready for Mom and Dad to move in cause their retirement funds for senior housing is going by the wayside.

  10. OUR POCKETS, of course.

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