
How will Obama supporters respond when they find out Obama had dealings with several extremist groups?

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I wouldn't want to elect a president that has dealings with terror groups.




  1. Actually, a good share of them would still support Obama no matter what he did or how much they knew. It's a sickness.

  2. Define "dealings". What business did he have with them or did he just run across them in church?

  3. Like this..........


  4. ...and yet you elected Bush, Reagan and Bush?

  5. They don't care.

    I mean how many skeletons have to fall from that closet before they take notice?







    His room mate in NYC was a Pakistanni drug dealer FGS so they just don't care.

  6. Probably something like this.

  7. They will equate him to President Kennedy and the mob.  What's the old saying?  Keep your friends close and your enemies closer?  It's good to know what they are doing.

    If you read the Bible Jesus associated with the heathen so he could convert the heathen to believe in God.  If you only associate yourself with the "right" kind of  people how do you change the people that do not believe the way you do?

  8. Probably the same as it affects you to hear GW Bush had dealings with extremist groups--the Counservative Council, Bob Jones College, etc, and that his family has had business dealings with the House of Saud who sponsored the terrorist Wahabi for decades, and that he supported the military coup of Musharraf.

  9. They'll toast Hamas with kool-aid

    Blue collar for McCain

  10. um..haven't they known that for a while now..and it depends on what your/their definition of "extremist" is.

  11. How will McCain supporters respond when they find out their fearless leader has no clue how many houses he owns and is unable to remember which country he is supposed to run?

  12. Obama will use the force to wipe those thoughts out of their minds...he's magical you know!?

  13. It's true. He launched his campaign from Ayers house. It will come up in interviews and debates. This should really scare people.

  14. Seven years as passed away since 9/11/2001; most Obama's followers have buried it and moved further to the left to support any one that deals with extremist.  

    "I will always stand with my Muslim brothers should the political winds ever blow that way" quote Barack Hussein Obama  extract from his own book

  15. They have blinders on, they would vote to have their own throats cut and not even know what happened.

  16. This will ONLY HAPPEN to get out into the public airwaves IF AND WHEN we as responsible Citizens INSIST, DEMAND that it be known public!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I would like to say, SHAME ON OUR MAJOR MEDIA

  17. Denial.

  18. Which terror groups are these Obama was dealing with ?

  19. Unfortunately for America, Obama supporters are blind to the truth where he is concerned.  His dealings with extremists have always been known, but have been pushed aside by the liberal media and his supporters.

    He's also a racist, as proven by his 20-year mentorship with an openly racist preacher as well as his 20-year membership in a church whose congregation cheered and clapped for the anti-American, anti-white government sermons.

    His supporters ignored Obama's lies when confronted with the truth of his racism.

    His supporters deluded themselves into believing Obama's pretty speeches and false "hope" messages, but they are a stubborn lot (as shown by their mule mascot) and will not change their minds.  A nuclear bomb could drop on them and they would still vote for Obama as they took their last breath.

    His supporters ignore the fact that Obama was the ONLY senator to vote against a bill that would attempt to save the life of an attempted aborted fetus.  He would rather let that innocent baby die slowly and painfully than give it aid.

    His supporters ignore the worst voting record in congress that Obama has achieved.

    His supporters ignore the fact that Obama has changed his stance on key issues in an attempt to portray his lefty-left policies in a more palatable light.

  20. I hope they wake up to reality that obama is a fraud and a felon. I knew it a long time ago and he is still running. obama is an embarrasment to our nation.

  21. A lot of his supporters are supporters of the terrorist idealogues.

  22. About the same way Bush supporters did when they discovered that he had "had dealings with" the country that supplied most of the terrorists and continues to support the governments that encourage terrorism.

  23. They wouldn't believe it. They keep their head in the clouds.

  24. They look at that as a good thing.

  25. Please support your questions with prof of said dealings...

  26. they are too brainwashed. He could be related to bin laden and it wouldn't matter.

  27. Here's a newsflash:  The Bushes are friendly with the Bin Ladens.

  28. How will you respond when you find out it's all BS, that's my response. I think that coming from Bush-Bin Lauden supporters this is a funny post.Saudi Arabia hates us and Our president Kisses their Azzes.

  29. We already know, and we don't care.  The groups he has associated with are not as extremist as conservatives contend.  Also, Obama seemed more interested in understanding their point of view than blindly following their agenda.  I think this makes Obama more capable of dealing with the myriad of world views people have.  I prefer that to a Republican that seems only focused on the narrow range of what he/she believes a proper American should be.

  30. Unfortunately we are all guilty by association, I message I attempt to drill into my teenage son's mind repeatedly.  Maybe Obama really had no clue what those people were about, lets give him the benefit of the doubt.  Problem is names are added to the list more than he can say he didn't know.  How could you not know?  And again if he didn't know, is this the man you want to lead the country?  Either way you look at it, he doesn't have a fighting chance against the claims.  His supporters are blind to the truth or really don't care because they are too enchanted with 'Hope' and 'Change'.

    The fact that most of his money comes from those sources is also ignored.

  31. They will deny it of course

    McCain will WIN in 08  

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