
How will Rush spin this??

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We all know he hates women.

Bet he's in the mens room puking......or picking up a boy.




  1. Rush will certainly change his tune in the interest of keeping up with his right wing ideology. Who cares anyway? Does anybody truly take that fat k**b seriously?

  2. For a guy that hates woman, why would he marry three times?  I'm sure the last one, Marta, certainly took him to the cleaners.

  3. Apparently he supports it

  4. The big hypocrite will praise her to thje skies, because he's desperate about the GOP winning, and he has no other choice for the moment.

  5. Rush will say he chose Palin, and it's all part of his grand plan for world domination, and the Cons will lap it up as usual

  6. You seem to be spinning in true form......

  7. Why do you give (SO much of) a **** about him?  Stop obsessing.

  8. Women know to run away from any man that states,"I love women".  That is a sure sigh that they lump all women into the same basket - one is as good as the next.  The "I love women" is often the first thing heard from rapists.  

  9. Rush doesn't hate women. He hates liberals.

    Turn on the radio - he supported Palin even before she was  picked officially as the vp.  

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