
How will a McCain presidency ruin our country?

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We already know what the conservatives/Republicans fear Obama will do, but what McCain? What specifically are you afraid he will do that will ruin the fabric of our nation?




  1. McCain is going to bring positive changes to America and restore it to its greatest days.  

  2. he is exactly like george bush:

    its the same exact people voting for the republicans that don't understand how mcain will ruin our nation.

    in my suburban town in the bay area, [CA] we've had to do many petitions and protests to put off the construction of nuclear power plants in our neighborhoods. and after so many years of work for a safer environment mccain stated several times in his speeches that he plans to create more power plants.

    Little things like that p**s us democrats off;

    and after the worst 8 years of BUSH, we cant see rebulicans the same way as we used to...  

  3. no obama will cuz he has no idea wat hes doing the only right thing he will do is pull troops out but there r other problems like Kosovars they finnaly get their freedom (Feb 15, 2008) and he wants to take it away we r exactly like americans in our freedom becoming a reality obama will kill my uncles and aunts i dont want that to happen.

  4. I am afraid that:

    1)  He will keep troops in Iraq indefinately.

    2)  He will most likel invade Iran.

    3)  Electing McCain sends a message to Bush and to the world that Americans do not hold anyone accountable for invading Iraq on the premise of "weapons of mass destruction".

    4)  McCain will do nothing to change America's long-term energy policy.  He will continue to drill for tiny amounts of oil in US coastal waters and Alaska, while seeking to subdue middle easter countries.

    5) He will allow the national debt to continue to grow out of control (it went from $4T to $10T under Bush), eventually bankrupting social security and medicare.

    6) He will die early in office from skin cancer or heart attack and leave a small town mayor from Alaska as our President.

    7) He will continue Bush's policy of ignoring the Taliban and not looking for Bin Laden - they were the ones who attacked us and Bush has let them totally off the hook.

    8) He will not be able to repair any of the damage done to America's integrity and reputation worldwide.

  5. No Obama will

  6. McCain will ruin our country by continuing the war and our economy will be awful

  7. well it will ruin Congress

    it will ruin overspending

    it will ruin welfare

    it will ruin government fraud

    it will ruin all the bad stuff that is wrong with this country

  8. Actually I'm afraid of Obama destroying our country

    Higher taxes


    Negotiating with terrorists

  9. If an ok America is bad then we are screwed!

  10. John McCain presidency will help the United States of America? Why? Because he will put the people of the United states of America First. You do not find too many Republicans who understand that America is heading into the Wrong Direction and McCain understands that if America is going to be the power house of the world and not in the dog house, that it needs changes and that Democrats and Republicans need to work together to bring change to the United States of America and this is one of the reasons why I am proud to say I am voting for John McCain.  

  11. McCain will save us from tyranny and marxism

    McCain is not a conservative, he is a moderate Reagan Republican

    God help us all if Nobama succeeds in Communizing the free world

  12. WOW!! People he has had 26 years in the senate to bring about these so called changes you people utter. 26 YEARS!!!! Now you he's ready to change, give me a break

  13. idk,i haven't found anything.mccain /palin! proven ,tested and mother approved!

  14. McCain voted with Bush 90% of the time.  No, we don't need 4 more years, of the last 8 years.  Unemployment, Foreclosures, Gas prices and the list goes on and on.

    come on people, wake up.  Obama/Biden in 08.  

  15. Are you kidding me here ? Just look around - four more years of this ?? we are nearly in a major depression. Remember, he voted WITH BUSH 90% of the time ~ four more years of Bush in a different skin ??!  with a war that is bankrupting us, no answers for an oil addiction that is feeding billions of dollars to countries that hate us and harbor terrorists, what else do you want to know ?

  16. By breaking the 2nd commandment.....: 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.'

    America first i beleive is the term???

  17. easier to be controled by other nation's inteligence.

    bush's successor.

    harder to pay the dept of us.

  18. He is going to continue the nightmare that has been the Bush administration, with his single mother-hating VP at his side.

  19. after 8 years of Bush Cheney anything will be a big improvement'

  20. don't you just love this the only answer the liberals can come up with for more years of bush, what a boat load of c**p, here are the unemployment statistics for the last 16 years, (presidents Clinton and Bush's both terms taken form the us bureau department of labor statistics

    1992 7.5

    1993 6.9

    1994 6.1

    1995 5.6

    1996 5.4

    1997 4.9

    1998 4.5

    1999 4.2

    2000 4.0

    2001 4.7

    2002 5.8

    2003 6.0

    2004 5.5

    2005 5.1

    2006 4.6

    2007 4.6

    as you can see  George Bushes numbers a a lot lower one democrat lie has just been exposed what Else is there just need to do a little research which by the way liberals don't do

  21. If you are a Dem liberal and want socialism, higher taxes, free abortions on demand, including partial birth, a small and ineffective military, free health care for illegals and to have to park your car-permently-then absolutely McCain will ruin all that.

  22. Continue 4 more years of Republican economics.

  23. that question doesn't make sense.  i believe you meant to say run instead of ruin, but i expected that kind of mistake from an obama supporter  so no hard feelings.

  24. Nothing!

    McCain 08!!!!  

  25. Specifically:

    Things McCain would do are identical to what Obama would do, which are?

    Not stop Congress. Why not?

    They don't have the power!


    Congress DOES have the power to stop or correct or check or balance the President.


    Tell America to pull their collective heads out of the colorful pinwheel and focus. And that includes ME.

    Folks, the power of written law is as reassuring as it is frustrating. But the alternative is unthinkable. ... in both respects.

    So, we've inherited the complex choice of doing a "right thing" which is exactly the opposite of what our parents told us would "be" the "right thing".

    That complex choice is:

    A) Realize that the President is an inspirational figure and not much more.

    B) Realize, also, that the Bicameral Congress (House of Representatives and Senate) are the unsung powers we seldom consider. Yet, they have the power we tend to assume rests with the President.

    It's that simple.


  26. He is Bushs successor.

  27. McCain will make America stronger.

  28. McCain voted with Bush 90% of the time. We are 7.7 trillion dollars in debt. ENOUGH SAID.

  29. McCain Will NOT ! ! ! ... Obama WILL !!!

    JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama wants to SURRENDER the sovereignty of the United States ... to THE United Nations.


    Please, search and READ the ...

    Global Poverty Act (S.2433) ... it is being sponsored by none other than JUNIOR U. S. Senator Barack Obama.


    MOST ... JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama Supporters do NOT care about his ideals and policies ... they JUST WANT AN AFRICAN AMERICAN as President !!!

    I have NO problem voting for an African American or a woman or any other minorty as long as they are the BEST PERSON for the position !!!

    JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama is NOT the BEST person to be OUR President of THE United States of America !!


    JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama is ANTI-American.

    JUNIOR U. S. Senator Obama did NOT complete his FIRST term in office !!

    ... with just 143 days of ACTUAL experience

    ... HE decided

    ... that he DESERVED to be THE President of THE United States of America !!!


    *** JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama, the Unions, and the Democrats are sending messages to big business to downsize in America and send more jobs to foreign countries.

    Brilliant ideas from JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama, the Democrats and the Unions (SARCASM) !!!!


    WE NEED to start doing the "REPORT ABUSE" Button on the ABUSIVE Obama Supporters for EVERY LITTLE ... POSSIBLE ... Violation, like they do to the rest of the people on here !!!!


  30. because he said he supports bush like 90% (or more) of the time, and were already like billions of dollars in debt....we don't need another bush.

  31. Think very specifically about the myriad of ways that Bush has ruined the country.

    Now imagine 4 more years of that.

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