
How will a breast mass affect my working visa application in canada?

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I plan to apply for a working visa in Canada. But i'm sort of afraid since i was diagnosed with a breast mass recently. I have it checked thru ultrasound and consulted a surgeon. The surgeon said the ultra sound reveals it's benign. And does not advise operation yet. Still, i'm worried if my application will be hampered by it. Can it be?

What other medical conditions will affect my working application?




  1. as long as it is not a danger to other people (and cancer is not) and as long as the doctors state that they feel it is benign, then you might be ok.

    But if the Canadian immigration dept thinks it might be cancer and asks you to do more tests or have the surgery (at your own expense) before they issue the visa, then you need to make the decision, surgery or work permit - which is more important.

    The point is they dont want you arriving in Canada with cancer and needing treatment from our health service. You would be billed, and cancer is expensive to treat.

    TB is the biggest threat to Canada.

    I know people who got in with HIV (they were taking the drugs - but you cant get in with AIDS)

  2. Try to apply for a work visa even when with a medical diagnosis because it might not be a factor at all.

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