
How will air transport face the oil deposit exhaust in the next years?

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may jet engines work with bio-fuels?




  1. I dunno, maybe, jet engines essentially run on kerosene...

  2. Jet engines will happily work with bio fuels, but these are likely to be too costly.  If petroleum out of the ground becomes too expensive, transportation (includes cars and trains, as well as aircraft) will use artificial petroleum made from coal and natural gas.  No foreseeable fuel can match the power-to-weight ratio of hydrocarbon fuels.

  3. Oil shales will be around for a few hundred years yet as will coal to gasoline conversion...just more expensive. We may switch bullet trains for high speed travel or Air cushion planes like the Russian Ekranoplan design for greater efficiency.

  4. Some airlines, aircraft manufacturers and national governments have collaborated on alternative fuel projects for aviation. Limited success has been achieved, notably with hydrogen, but they are nowhere near ready to mass produce aircraft powered by such fuels, and converting existing aircraft will be very expensive. But where there is a will, there is a way.

    As for bio-fuels, Virgin has signed an agreement with Boeing and General Electric to develop this technology. They hope to have a prototype (probably a conversion of an existing aircraft and engine) flying later this year.

    To answer your question: disastrously unless thousands of companies and other bodies really get their fingers out and  and do something about it.

    There are advantages and disadvantages to both types, but one thing is certain: the world in general needs to loose its dependency on fossil fuels pretty soon. Also, we in the west need to develop these fuels so that we can end our reliance on oil from unstable, hostile regimes seeking to assert their influence.

  5. The bottom-line answer is that the age of cheap fuels is ending as we write.  Air travel will become much less common and much more expensive.  More people will travel by rail, and people will stay home a lot more.

    That's all, folks...

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