
How will an IV being inserted and after feel?

by  |  earlier

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i have an oral surgery coming up next week and i am absolutely scared and terrified. i am getting (probably) IV sedation and heard that's the only scary part becasue after like 10 seconds i will be knocked out. i am soooo nedle-phobic and would want to know how bad does an IV hurt and what it feels like after it is inserted. plz help me!!!




  1. I am a COMPLETE needle phobic and when I broke my arm I had to get an IV. I was screaming. It didn't hurt that much, but I was freaking out, none the less.

    Before you go, put emla cream on it. Emla is a topical numbing cream. It costs about $20 for a 2-use tube, but if you are afraid of needles it is worth it. I used it for my hep-b and meningitis shots and it worked great! I was still nervous, but it didn't hurt. And IVs hurt a bit.

    Also I would suggest looking away because they may have to try a few times to get it into the vain *shivers*

    Good Luck and Be brave! :D

  2. The IV will just be a small pinch when it goes in, after it's in you really won't feel anything.  You will fall asleep quickly and wake up when it's done.  Depending on the medication you may start to be able to hear them talking halfway through, but you won't care cause you'll still be sedated.  It will feel like you're dreaming.  Don't worry it will be over before you know it!  As for the pain afterwards, if you've had a lot of pain before after dental work it will probably hurt.  For me I never really have oral pain.  They will give you some really good pain killers, you'll take one as soon as you get home and then you'll sleep for another 4 hours or so.  I know it's scary, but trust me after it's over you'll see it's really not that bad.

  3. I didnt feel anything, but i sure did sleep good though. I was told that some people dont wake back up  0_0  i dont know how true that is but i was fine.

  4. I was pretty freaked out about that too! But trust me, it will be okay. You may not even remember it! They gave me the laughing gas for a few minutes, and then the Dr. came in and started a conversation with me. I was so relaxed and kind of sleepy already, that I didn't really feel him put the IV in. It wasn't long after that until I was out. The funny thing is, no one told me that the surgery was the easiest part.

    Anyway, hope this helps!! Everything will be fine, so relax. =)

  5. the recovery from having that many teeth pulled with hurt more than getting the needle lol. just turn ur head and dont look when it goes in, if u have a good nurse and drink lots of water for at least 24 hours before to plump up your veins so u are well hydrated all should go well :)

  6. dont they have laughing gas as an alternative?? or cant they numb a few first like 3 teeth one appoitment, 3 teeth the next and then 2 the last appoitment.. i dont get why there doing it all at once.. thats gonna kill like REAL bad afterwords.. you wont be able to eat real food for a LOONG time so right now you best get eating on those fried chicken and ribs lol! about the iv question you have, ive never been under an iv and i hope i never will but if that day comes i would imagine that one would feel no more pain then getting a needle inserted for a vaccine.. afterwords you will gradually start to fall asleep it wont just knock you out like that lol!

    god bless u

    and good luck!!

    make sure you buy some advil or tylenol cause your gonna need it =)

  7. I have had IV's and they don't hurt.I suggest that after having 8 teeth pulled the Dentist give you a prescription for some strong painkillers.If you get Tylenol with codeine tell him/her it's not effective.

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