
How will anti Americanism and the weak economy affect tourism in Europe.?

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No rants please, this is not a question about nationalism or the right and wrong of politics - this is more about the effect on an industry - not seeking justifications. Just reasoned opinion.




  1. Is this a paper for school?  Anyway, I think the latter is much more of an issue than the former.

    The weakening US Dollar, combined with people having less discretionary income due to the economy [especially with unemployment concerns] means fewer people from the US will be traveling to Europe.

    For anti-Americanism, I do not think it's much of a deterrent. I personally don't know anyone who has changed his/her plans for going to Europe because of anti-Americanism concerns.

    Then again, most of my friends are seasoned travelers who seem to be well-treated everywhere they go, due to their good manners, willingness to learn about their destinations' history,etc., and their efforts to learn at least enough of the destinations' languages to be polite.

  2. Not so much. With the weak US $, who cares about Americans. There is more and more tourist now coming to Europe from Asia.

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