
How will be life without education?

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How will be life without education?




  1. like stone age. evolution will slow down. quality of life will go down.

  2. no meaning to life!

  3. Vision without sight.

  4. Life is never without education. In societies without formal schools, parents pass skills on to children. Education starts before you ever go to school and goes on after you finish school. That said, formal education is a great way to ensure that every child knows what is most necessary to live in a particular society. It is the best way to keep a large society--like a big country--connected.

  5. Since life started, education is there.

    The animals educated their offsprings how to face the animal life span. Instinctively, they teach their offspring how to hunt food, how to protect themselves from enemies. We can call this education, right?

    When Adam and Eve was created, they was told not to eat the forbidden fruit, isn't it education in a simpler sense?

    I can't imagine life without education

  6. Everything will be dull.

  7. I used to work with a bunch high-school dropouts at a construction company several years ago and these "geniuses" actually believed that building was spelled BIDNIL, home: HUME, box: BAX, valve: VALVAL, concrete: CANCRETE, pipe: PIP, square: SKUAR, a SKUAR(square) has only one side to it, 8+7=17, 9*1=91, 4 feet 9 inches= 49 inches, and this is just the beginning of their "ism's" these idiots actually believed in. .

    BTW, nothing is more embarrassing than having a Major General of the US Air Force, Two-Star General, coming up to you, while they are dressed in full uniform, and you get asked "How can you stand working with those loud mouth idiots?" It is embarrassing enough when you have a Full-Bird Colonial ask you this but when a Two-Star General ask you this than you start thinking "What would prospective employers think of me if they saw me working with these sh*t for brains?" :-(

    This is how life is like without an education and it sucks. The thought of me still having to work with those morons is a terrorizing thought indeed.

  8. ignorance is bliss


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