
How will brett farve adjust to living in New York?

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Lets face it, New York is a little different that Green Bay Wisconsin. Do you think Favre will love it or hate it. The New York Media will probably start ripping him a new one by week 5 - how do you think he'll respond.




  1. why is this such a big deal?

  2. He'll be ok in New York. I dont see him being there 4 more than a season though. Did u hear his press conference? Brett DOESN'T wanna be in NY at all! I guarantee he will re-retire after this season!

  3. How will New York adjust to Brett he is a great manipulator he will be just fine. Only thing there are a lot of Superstars there and he will be just another fly in the ointment..

  4. He's a grown man and a fabulous athlete I am sure he will adjust just fine.  He will never be respected the way he was in Green Bay though.

  5. His name say's it all..

  6. If he can handle south Mississippi, he can handle anything

  7. He will probably run hot and cold.  I am not sure if his receivers can hang onto the ball and how well, will favre learn the plays.

    There's a good chance miamie will finish with a win, when they meet the Jets in their opener.  :)

  8. After the first time he is mugged I think he will adapt

  9. he buys an apartment,

    then he locks himself in it.

    then the media will cast him out... like a leper

  10. I bet the NY media eats that hillbilly alive.

  11. Wow. Is this the worries everyone has? Chad Penningtons lack of arm strength, and Clemens pathetic decisions werent ripped as badly as people thought. If these guys can last that long in NY ESPECIALLY Pennington, FAVRE WILL HAVE NO PROBLEM! Extra thanks to that top 5 offensive line, top 5 running back as well. (one of the best fullbacks in the league also)

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