
How will conservatives react to Palin's teenage daughter's pregnancy?

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How will conservatives react to Palin's teenage daughter's pregnancy?




  1. They will blame it all on the liberal media, and radical Islamic Terrorists.  

  2. It's hilarious how the Republicans are twisting themselves into pretzels trying to explain away all the things they've said about Obama's experience, abstinence, and women just so they can get their far right nut0job af a VP candidate some credibility

  3. They will probably say that her daughter is a hero for keeping the baby and that anyone who criticizes her is against families.

  4. It depends how loyal they are to their party and to McCain already.

    Some will immediately turn their backs and switch to Obama.

    I expect that most will commend her daughter's choice not to abort the child, and her plans to marry the father.  

  5. they will attack the democrates somehow. placing blame on them will detract from Palins daughter issues.

  6. it reflects right upon the irresponsible mother who did not teach morals and correct conduct to her daughter.

  7. They'll be quiet for a while and then dig up some made-up dirt on Obama, which is all they can do, and all they have been doing.

  8. I am proud that she did not take the Liberal action of racing off to have the child murdered.

    It is both Christian & Conservative to take full responsibility for your actions and be grateful to God for the results of your actions.

    Bristol is grateful for the child and engaged to the father.

    I say good girl.

    The evidence that she acted correctly is the venom coming from the Liberals, they know if it was their candidate the baby would be long since killed and tossed in a dumpster.

  9. I have not seen any pretzels walking around the RNC convention have you? Most of them are concentrating on the hurricane victims

    leave it to Dems to make a mountain out of a molehill

    You have to wonder:is this all they have? it's pathetic


    Well let's see Obama is the product of a teen pregnancy and he's now running for President , I'm sure he thanks god everyday his mother didn't take the easy way out

    Conservatives? I think their cool with it!

    McCain /Palin 08!

  10. Everyone who has kids.....conservative, liberal, independent, nonaffiliated faces the same trials and tribulation in raising teens these days.

    You teach, you lead.....but in the end teens have a rebellious nature that no parent can squash without harming the child.

    You do a lot of praying that no matter what happens, in the end they remember the values you taught them.  In this case the daughter is not having an abortion as an easy out.  She is facing up to her responsibilities.  What more can a parent hope for?

    No one is perfect, no parent is perfect.  It's the decisions you make when faced with adversity that matters.

  11. Most likely the same way they react to most any conservative's lapses...with a whole lot of hypocrisy and remember Clinton diversions.

  12. I am sure that they are not happy?  A 17year old pregnant by a 26 year old man does not support their political stance.

  13. I think I've seen more liberals attack Palin and make a huge deal out of it than the conservatives have.  Personally, I don't think it reflects on Palin's parenthood or ability to lead.  I think her daughter will become a super-mom like Palin and become a woman who can do it all.

  14. I have a feeling it will demoralize the faith based voters enough where they won't come out in droves to vote for him, like they did Bush.

    TBH there's nothing truly wrong with it but a lot of these voters vote on feelings and appearances. They would fear the more attention this girl gets the more likely their kids/grandkids will follow her path.

  15. Some of the hardcore bible thumping Christian Conservatives will be up in arms.  Some will be upset but not terribly upset. And some will be neutral..

    Its a non issue if you ask me.   And I'm not a Republican or a Democrat.

    The young lady did what a lot of teens do.  Make judgments that are not safe or sound.  

    Its only the media and politicians and those who like to stir up the manure that will make a big deal out of it.

  16. They will trot out a crying teenage girl and claim she is a victim of Democratic insensitivity, when in fact she is a victim of not being told the facts about birth control by her moronic parents.

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