We are three months behind on our interest only mortgage payments and other bills. It was difficult this last year since my husband and I lived in separate places due to work and had seperate living expenses. We paid a high mortgage payment on the house and rent for the apartment. we stopped making payments when we had decided to file for bankruptcy but now I find that I may lose my Security clearance and job if I file bankruptcy, and I'm under contract with my job. I have yet to clarify that, but my real question is, is foreclosure/deed in liu better than a bankruptcy? A government financial advisor stated forcl. would be much better than a bankruptcy ch.7 creditwise. We want to open up businesses in the next 3-6 years, and buy another house in that time frame also.After filing bankruptcy it was projected that our credit score would go up 50 points right away. Will a foreclosure really kill our credit by 100-150 points?How long will it take us to get back to the 700 credit score we ha