
How will giving illegal immigrans legal status benefit america?

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How will giving illegal immigrans legal status benefit america?




  1. well it will benifit america, that means more MONEY from taxes, the more money there is for taxes, more money for teachers, better education, more money for police, that means safer streets.more money for hospitals, tha means healthier people... BUT i think they shud give it to people who have been her for +10yrs..cus it wudnt befair if someone came to the US yesterday and got legal status... like beenher since i was 6yrs now 22 i feel more of an AMERICA than MEXICAN... ive not been to mecxico in 16yrs..i finished in college im one yr short of geting my college degree... i think it shud be fair for me to get my green card..

  2. it wont!

    the only thing that will bring up wages and give us a competitive job market is to control immigration.

  3. It will not help at all. We already have too many uneducated, unmotivated citizens draining our welfare system.

  4. I think if we had a better immigration policy and system in the first place, people might not be so tempted to sneak in to America and take advantage of our rights as citizens. Maybe the way to start on this is to help them become normal, tax-paying citizens instead of launching raids and trying to deport all of them.

  5. You guys cant have it both ways.  Most people on here complain that illegals need to go back and come back here legally, well if american gives them legal status WTF???  

    Even if they were here legal most people would still complain about them.  Its a no win situation.  

  6. it wont!

  7. At least they'll be paying taxes.

  8. They would become wage earners, and therefore, be paying taxes.

    The american family size has decreased and this country needs more

    people. So instead of the government to tell you to go out and make baby's it is easier for them to just go out and get people from other countries.

  9. It won't

    All it will do is p**s off the immigrants that are coming to America the right way.

  10. It won't.  They would continue to be a drain.  Probably more than they are now.

  11. It wont.

    Legalize criminals?  Roflmao.  No way!!

  12. Which America? It WILL benefit Mexico's goal of Reconquesta of the United States.

  13. I agree that the US needs a better immigration system. I'm Australian and cannot for the life of me get a US visa because I don't have a 4-year college degree. The only way I can get in is to marry my US citizen boyfriend, which I'm not prepared to do yet. I did get in for one year on the J-1 visa, but I can't reapply for that visa because it's a one-shot deal.

    It's not fair at all, because I am hardworking and genuinely want to make the US my home. I would contribute more to the country than all of the US citizens currently sitting on their **** at home and receiving social security checks in the mail every month.

    They need to make it A) easier for employers to hire international workers, so that we don't have to be illegal, or B) introduce a visa that allows people to live and work here for say, 1-3 years, provided they find a job within a set period of time and can meet certain standards, ie keeping a job for x amount of time. As long as internationals aren't putting a strain on the American welfare systems, I don't see any reason why they shouldn't be given legal status.

  14. It will actually reduce the amount of taxes that the US would collect! By allowing them to pay taxes and file a return you allow them to use tax breaks designed for the poor so that they actually get returns that are larger than what they paid in! As in $4,000 to $6,000 more! So yes more will pay into the system but even more money will be taken out resulting in a net loss!

    Unless you consider bankrupting the US as a benefit, it won't!

  15. Illegal immigrants aren't criminals.  They're regular people looking for a better life.  Giving them legal status won't change anything if America isn't willing to change.

  16. Well they will then have to pay the same taxes (social security, federal, state etc.) as legal America gains Tax revenues....

  17. If illegal immigrants are given legal status, employeers would be forced to pay them at least minimum wage, which is what employeers are currently forced to pay natural born and legal immigrant citizens.  This levels the playing field by elliminating the incentives to hire illegal immigrants over other citizens.

  18. I am still trying to figure out the rationale behind this one.

  19. it wont....

    there are times when illegal immigrant workers are beneficial to the economy. this is when the economy is doing very well.

    there are other times when illegal immigrant workers damage an allready bad economy.

  20. I don't think it will because it won't be fair that legal immigrants pay so much money for their papers and everything and they just come illegally and get all the benefits.  

  21. For all of you who are against legalizing them i say this to you, you guys are criminals too. You run a red light ur a criminal you dont stop at a stop sign you are a criminal so dont talk about how they are criminals if you are a total hypocrite yourself. Lets say they sent all illegals home. HOW IS UR FOOD GONNA GET HARVESTED??? HOW IS IT GONNA GET COOKED AT A RESTAURANT??? THOSE PLACES ARE FILLED WITH ILLEGALS. YOU DONT LIKE IT TOUGH TITTY!!! THEY OUTNUMBER YOU GUYS.  

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