
How will global warming affect us in the next 10 years?

by Guest63199  |  earlier

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This is a serius problem that we are going to deal with for the rest of our lives!




  1. It is affecting us NOW

  2. I love these people who say that 'The Earth is going to do what it's going to do' and 'We've had warming trends before!'

    Honestly, have you ever seen a comparison?

    We know that when Carbon goes up, temperature tends to go up. We know that there is more carbon in the atmosphere now than there has EVER BEEN AS FAR AS WE CAN POSSIBLY TEST. That goes back several million years.

    Hey.. I got an idea. Maybe the Earth is going to do what it's in it's nature to do and maybe if we influence it's nature enough, it'll do just that.

    All I know is that EVERY sign points to caution, but rather than think 'Gee.. maybe we should be even the tiniest bit careful?' we just keep doing whatever's easiest.

    Personaly.. I figure if and when it does happen, we had it comming and we deserve whatever we get.

  3. I think that this is a very difficult question to answer. Yes the earth goes through natural heating and cool periods. However, the evidence is that we are adding to any current heating that the Earth is currently naturally experiencing.

    The effects of this heating are difficult to determine. As some areas of earth will benefit from climate change, for other areas it will be disastrous.

    Will the Earth end as some as the doomsayers say? Is global warming non existent?

    I think that the answer will lie somewhere in between. In my opinion climate change is real and is partly due anthropogenic activities. The changes that occur will not happen overnight so that we have sometime to adjust our way of life. But if we do nothing now and ignore the signs, when things go bad we will be caught out.

    It is like a smoker who doesn't heed the warnings saying I am alright, there is nothing wrong with me year after year. Eventually, it catches up with him in one big hit, but the signs have been there and ignored for years.

    Anyone one who thinks that we can burn all the oil and coal, cut down all the trees, introduce exotic species all over the globe, dam rivers etc and not have an effect on the environment is seriously ignorant. The sooner we take better care of the planet, this doesn't mean everyone joining a hippy commune, the better the planet will be for future generations.

  4. Global warming is not the problem environmental activists have led people to believe. I think it is mostly a natural planetary process over which we have little control. Humans have had a minor role, if any, in climate change. Sure, we need to do a better job of reducing our pollutants, but we did not cause the very small amount of warming the Earth has had in the past 150 years. I think global warming will affect you and all of the rest of us almost totally zero for the next ten years. Don't listen to the environmental alarmists. They just want a carbon tax to grab more of your money.

  5. all i can say to that is its gonna get warmer in canada  just came back from victoria bc    hope its like that in ottawa soon! sorry.

  6. I agree.. and it seems like no one is going to act.. the goverment just keeps denying that it even exist. When they do act, it'll be too late =[ very sad... especially for our future generation!

  7. I'm not sure about the rest of the world, but I think we eskimo's are going to have higher igloo insurance.

  8. We'll get real nice sun tans.  

    The world has experienced warming trends for centuries. Why is it a shock that it's happening now?  

    The weather patterns are going to do what they are going to do.  All of civilization is not going to cease, so quit worrying about it.

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