
How will humans respond anthropologically to what quantum science is telling us?

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What will its effects be on art, literature and the way we express ourselves. What effects if any can already be observed?




  1. Quantum mechanics are just laws that describe how matter behaves at the molecular level.  It doesn't have any relevance to our normal existence because the mathematical laws are contrary to our experience in the larger world.

  2. Pretending to be smart, asif?...Good questions involve more than multi-syllable words grouped together, especially in a manner lacking any real clarity or focus

  3. I did not undertood ****. So WHAT IS quantum science is telling us?

  4. Brovozulu's answer is spot on. Quantum mechanics deals with the micro-world and not the macro-world we inhabit. A typical post-modern, relativistic mistake. You need to know better.

  5. I'm sorry but bravozul's answer is non sensical.  Yes it's true quantum physics deals with energy, sub atomic particles and the world on a molecular and sub atomic level.  But, how does bravozul think the body works, by magic?  Our bodies are a manifistation of the interaction of sub atomic particles, atoms and molecules: and the energy that binds them together.  The bodies metabolism is a complex series of chemical reactions which involve the creation and destruction of molecules through the behaviour of sub atomic particles and the energy they contain.   The traditional view of consciousness is that it is a product of brain funtion.  The function they refer to is biochemical, involving again chemical reactions, sub atomic particles, molecultes and electro magnetic fields.  For quantum physics to re define the nature of the atom and sub atomic particles, the energy interplay between these particles, redifines the very foundation of how we understand the human body, the world around us and nature.  Newtonian physics says the atomas and sub atomic particles that make up your body are in a single place and time.  Quantum physics with its non location theory says that those particles aren't particles but fields of energy that extend through time and space.  That would suggest your perception of a solid physical body is an elusion.  Strange, but then Newtonian physics would say the human body isn't a solid object either and the reason why you can't walk through walls is because of electromagnetic fields rather than the mistaken idea that you are a solid object.  I don't know how humans will respond anthropologically.  I believe one aspect of the quantum nature of humans is in the psychic ability and some so called spiritual experiences.  These types of things have had a profound influence on humanity from the very begining of consiousness.  The acceptance of such things by society will possibly destroy religion and open up new vistas of experience and understanding.

  6. Bravozulu & jonmcn49 are right as far as they go, but I would take it even further.  The vast majority of humans do not live in the modern world.  On every level of Being we can consider, emotional, intellectual, moral, existensial, the average human is still a creature of the earlier epochs of human evolution.

    If you doubt this, consider the phenomena of the muslim world or of the fundamentalist Christians of the US.  In each case, you have huge numbers of people who are still inhabitants of the Middle Ages.  Their entire worldviews are centered around a medieval mythos.  To the extent these people can exercise personal choice, they actively resist all attempts to advance their societies out of medievalism.

    For another example, consider the phenomena of street gangs.  The members of these social groups have spontaneously recreated the  manners and mores of the barbarian-warrior tribes that typified the Bronze Age and early Iron Age.  Their seriousness of their commitment to these values is documented in the homicide statistics of dozens of major cities.  

    These are only the two most obvious examples I can think of.  And you're wondering how quantum physics is going to affect them?  Most of them have yet to even understand the scientific method.  "Scientist" in their minds is just a synonym for sorceror.   Unless the rate of historical evolution accelerates dramatically, Quantum Theory is not going to be a social issue for at least 500 years.


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