
How will hydrogen cars affect the value of energy stocks?

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Just wondering, as I have some investments in energy, how this new emergence of the hydrogen powered cars will make a difference. Will it make it worthless, or will the energy companies find ways to adapt?




  1. Hardly at all if you think about it... the greater threat is consumer backlash.... they will invest into the type of energy they can afford. such as signing up for wind farm stuff and wave generated power... even coal could be more viable in the UK than oil...there are huge stocks still down there beneath our feet (three hundred years worth) all it needs is the will and power stations with efficient chimney scrubbers for us to be generating power free of world markets and speculators... that my friends is the situation to watch out for.... plus of course nuclear which is I feel best of all ways to proceed just as long as it stays in government hands and not in the hands of the greedy investors or the power stricken demons as in Chernobyl Russia.      

  2. I think it will take a long time for hydrogen and electric cars to make a significant difference.  

    Even hybrid cars such as Toyota Prius is not necessarily better than Toyota Corolla in terms of cost.   Sure, hybrid cars are more fuel efficient.  But they are also more expensive to make.  And when you calculate the difference in money.  Then there isn't that much difference.

    Also, a lot of these alternative energy solutions use rare and expensive metals for batteries and catalytic reactions.  And the use of these rare metals makes it unlikely that conventional cars will be replaced any time soon.

  3. Where do you think the hydrogen will come from?

    The most economical way to produce hydrogen would be using acid on metal, however, that is not exactly an environmentally friendly way to make it.

    The way to make it in large quantities is to electrically produce it from water.  That requires a lot of electricity.  That electricity has to come from somewhere.  The energy companies will provide that electricity.  To deal with the increased demand they will probably have to burn more fuels.  They might make more money.  

  4. Hydrogen cars face two major tech challenges.  first, all current processes for creating hydrogen use more energy than is produced.  Second there are very few hydrogen filling stations--thers no infrastructure.  in my opinion it is too early to invest in hydrogen anything; it is only a wild speculation now.  however wind and solar are real and improving their technologies and there are several stocks to choose from.  that's your best bet today!

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