
How will hydrogen powered cars benifit the enviroment?

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How will hydrogen powered cars benifit the enviroment?




  1. they dont use gas and pollute

  2. They won't since it takes more energy to make 1 unit of hydrogen fuel (hydrogen is not readily found in the form needed for fuel so you have to make it) because there will always be inefficiency in the conversion of energy.

    So basically it will take 1.2 times as much energy in the form of oil, gas, coal, solar, nuclear, hydroelectric, etc to make that 1 unit of hydrogen fuel.

    It's just shifting emissions to a different sector of the economy.

  3. your kidding right? how will they not? only emission out of the tail pipe is co2...reducing the greenhouse effect....takes away americas dependency on oil substantially..saves the earth from being ripped apart for drilling..etc etc

  4. If they made it into mass production, and if there was an efficient way to produce H2 cleanly, then they would benefit the environment by not producing CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) emissions.  The only by-product is water (H20).

  5. By not using oil.

  6. There will be no Carbon Dioxide released into the air.  This is a major factor which helps to cause global warming because CO2 is a greenhouse gas that absorbs and holds heat in it.  Hydrogen powered cars don't release any type of CO2 but release purified water instead.  The new Chevy Equinox that have been released to certain people have a storage tank in the back to hold water rather than exhaust pipes.

  7. by not polluting the air and helping the o zone layer, slow down global warming

  8. Well, actually it will and it won't.

    It will obviously reduce pollution in the air due to the fact that it uses hydrogen instead of gasoline.

    But, it also uses a ton of energy because of it's fuel cell. So, its also wasting energy. Not to mention, the hydrogen fuel cells are over 1 million dollars in cost.

  9. Not much if somebody doesn't come up with some miracles in Hydrogen generation and storage.

  10. it won't create huge amounts of polution, but water as a biproduct is a worse greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide

  11. The exhaust will consist of only H20 instead of harmful pollution

  12. Probably not at all.

    The problem we have in the world at present is that we have been using technology to greedily exploit resources with no thought for the future.

    Resources such as coal, oil, gas, iron, copper, uranium are bound to run short with catastrophic social and economic consequences.  The crisis for fossil fuels is already growing and it will be exacerbated by the environmental damage burning fossil fuels is causing (for example, global warming).

    Companies who benefit from our greedy ways (particularly the car manufacturers) want to deny the impending crisis and encourage us to continue consuming their products.  So they lie to you about the way new technologies will solve the problems.  Hydrogen powered cars are a classic example.

    At first sight hydrogen power seems ultra clean because the emissions are pure water.  But manufacturing the hydrogen requires energy produced by burning fossil fuels which are getting more difficult and expensive to mine and which pollute the environment and cause global warming.  Worse still, much more fuel is burnt to produce the hydrogen to drive 100 miles than would have been needed for traditional fuel.

    The real answer to the environmental problems caused by cars and the way in which they use resources needed by future generations is more radical.  It is to travel less and to walk and pedal more.  The good news is that this radically different way of life is more fun than spending hours locked in a steel box anyway.

    Best wishes

  13. of course... ne emissions but water and no use of oil HA

  14. A hydrogen fuel cell car cost $1,000,000.

  15. Hydrogen cars emit water, is a result of the reaction between hydrogen, which is the fuel of the car, and oxygen from the air.

    however, in order to produce hydrogen a source of energy is required, and if that source is based on fossil fuels, then in reality hydrogen cars would not contribute to the environment, only if the energy to produce hydrogen comes from non fossil sources, such as thermal, wind or sun, then hydrogen cars would be beneficial to the environment

  16. If u don't blow it up . It is not as good as it would seam as it will produce a lot of NO2. The flame is very hot.

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