
How will i convence the immigration of dublin, ireland that i will return to the phils.?

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How will i convence the immigration of dublin, ireland that i will return to the phils.?




  1. Make sure you have a return ticket, this is very important.

    Show them that you have a job back in phils.

    Make sure you have some Euro's in cash plus a credit card to prove to them that you can support yourself in Ireland.

    You should be able to show them where you are going to stay in Ireland, an address.

    If you have the above covered you should be OK, there's a large phils community in Ireland, and I think the Police let most through unless you raise some suspicions.

  2. Why would there be a problem in the first place?

  3. I'm not sure i understand your question, convince do you mean but who is phils?

  4. Prove you've got a decent job and probably a husband there(I assume you mean Phillipines). Everything else will be irrelevant.

  5. Not easily. Love your country, by the way. Great people.

  6. A return ticket

  7. If you're coming to Ireland for work, will you have a fixed term contract?  You could show them that. And having a return ticket might help.

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