
How will i explain this one?

by Guest66888  |  earlier

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explain briefly why an object which appears yellow in daylight appears red when illuminated with red light and red when illuminated with magenta light.

--the answer must be related to PHYSICS. ;((((




  1. The colour of each object depends on what it absorbs and reflects

    For an example what you see as green absorbs all the other colours and reflect green.The objct doesn't have the colour green though we call it is of the colour green.If the object absorbed green how can we see it as an object of green colour

    If you are a biology student understanding this would be easy

    In phoosynthesis the coulers a leaf absorbs most are Blue and Red

    But the colour of a leaf is green,hat is because since the leafe absorbs Red and Blue light waves It reflects green

    A black object absorbs all colours thus it do not reflect any colour black;/just like a black hole

  2. Well say if you had something what was blue and you shined a red llight on it, the object or thing would absorb all the other colours and just keep the red so thats why it would apear red when its blue , thats why black objects are black as they asborb all the colours, confusing i know

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