
How will i help people after the earthquake happen? how will they get at the hospital or recenter/?

by Guest45407  |  earlier

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like im a chief of transportation and i need to help people that is injury from big earthquake. and how will they get at the hospital and recenter if the road is like crack.

Cheif of transportaion is: highways,bridges,subway,railroad,and cars.




  1. since earthquakes are unpredictable it is hard to say in advance what route you will need to take. you just do the best you can with what you have. you need to consider also that you may be injured or killed in the initial quake

  2. That is a good question and all that I can tell you is that in those types of situations you will know what and how to get them there.

    I have a friend that is a firefighter and he once told me that when you are put into these types of situation your brain and knowledge just kicks in and you do the best that you can do to save everyone........

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