
How will i know i have prostate cancer?

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how will you get prostate cancer?




  1. Contact your doctor.

    If you go to the bathroom more often is usual what cases people to go to the doctor... the prosate presses against bladder causing fequent bathroom trips... there are other reasons but if your scared this might be an ok indicator

  2. You feel pain and some mass below your testicles. You should pee like women. It is good for prostate.  

  3. You can only know if you go to the doctor and get a urine test and a bone scan. The urine test will determine if it's cancer. The bone scan will show whether it's spread or not if it is cancer. Treatment is usually one of three things.


    ~Radiation seeds

    ~Removal of prostate or just the cancerous part

  4. i dont know


    psyical contact...

    im srry i really dont know

    if ur wondering if u have it

    go see a doctor urgently

    hope this helps ;)

  5. Go to your doctor for psa blood test and digital exam.Don't be embarrassed.I went for a physical had a high psa number then had a biopsy the results were a very aggressive form of cancer but they caught it early and with treatment it's now four years later and i am cancer free

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