
How will i know if i should kiss him...?

by  |  earlier

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He has been my best friend forever, and i love him to death, but i want to know if there is something more. We have had those moments when we would be in his basement and we would both be looking at the computer and then looking at each other for that time that seemed like forever. If that is to ever happen again should i go in for the kiss?

How could it ell he likes me?, Or if he just wants to be friends




  1. Well, when you are alone with him. Tell him that you like him more than what you have become and was wondering if he is interested in taking another step up. It sounds like he really wants to kiss you too.. But don't kiss him until you're sure he's ready for a move. That kiss could ruin your friendship if you don't carry it through well. (And if you kiss him, stare in his eyes then at his lips and very slowly lean towards them [just to see if he leans too])

    Good Luck!

  2. If it feels right go for it.

    if you do it and he pulls away you will know.

    I'm sure you to are close enough to work it out if it doesn't go to "plan"

    i vote go for it.

    he sounds interested...

  3. Just do it.  As the girl, you have it much easier when it comes to initiating something, because a girl initiating an encounter like that is considered extremely s**y by many guys (myself included).  In addition, if you initiate and decide that kissing him isn't going well, then you have much more power to stop the kissing.

  4. Don't kiss hin, but lean in slightly and lean your head, and look him intimartly in the eyes. If he backs up...then friend...if he stays or leans in...time for the kiss!

    If he backs up, make a joke...'is that onions?.I hate onions...ok that was lame I'm tired its late...but you get the idea."

  5. well id say go for it

    unless hes one of those guys that is going to be like freaking out if you do it and cant emotionally handle not kissing somone that he isnt going out with

    most guys are down with friends with benefits anyways

  6. You could lightly and quickly kiss him as thanks for something he says. If he is interested he will kiss you back or if it catches him of guard he might not know how to respond, so why not ask him after the spontaneous light kiss, if he is interested in being more than a friend. add" no pressure, think about it if you wish but if not I still want to be friends." then SMILE sweetly! Good Luck!

  7. Be bold and ask if he is ready to get married. If he say yes, then don't delay even for a minute & Just grab him in to your life. Be careful don't let others have him.

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