
How will i know my sms/mobile code?

by  |  earlier

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if my status is : "im on sms", how will i text my contacts in messenger by using my phone if i dont know their codes? help me with this.. how will i know their codes?

thanks alot :D




  1. When you log into SMS yahoo

    there are different commands to use

    If you have that box checked on your yahoo messenger so you will automatically be signed in it works great

    to find the friends that are on line and to get a list

    send a message to 92466(phone number)

    message  to   type  get all

    the message that would be returned it

    Friends for : Yahoo ID

    You will see  a 3 digit code with the yahoo ID next to the number  starting with 101

    one friend i have is 144

    so you then send a message to

    92466(yahoo) 144(friend code)  full number

    new message to 92466144

    type message and send

    now if someone comes online and just sends you a message- Just look at the number  and save it to your phone book -like under "pager"

    this will tell you that when you want to find the number you dont constantly have to send that message.

    here are some SMS commands for yahoo messenger

    FunctionSMS Command

    Sign in        in [Yahoo! ID] [password]

    Sign out           out

    Send message to [Yahoo! ID] [message]

    to [friend code] [message]

    View online friends               get

    View all friends                      get all

    Show continuation of friend list (if list is longer than 160 characters and gets truncated) more

    Add friend add [Yahoo! ID]

    Delete friend del [Yahoo! ID]

    Ignore a user ignore

    If you happen to get a message use the IGNORE command (same as a block online)

    I have used this for quite some time and hope this helps.

    This is for US only.  If this doesnt work - or you don't understand - let me know.


    yahoo is coming out with YAHOO ONECONNECT

    a yahoo -multimessenger with hotmail, aol yahoo , myspace and others...

    and if this is driviing you crazy

    you can always go to the mobile web

    select messenger

    or a couple others

    add me if you wish and I would be glad to help!

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