
How will i know when im done growing?

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hi im 15 years old and about 5 (6)sh and would like to know how much more i am going to grow and how will i know when im done growing




  1. the mailman will give you mail,that your done growing

  2. You'll grow till about 21 then you will slowly start to die.

  3. im wonderin the same thing im 16 and 5(2) and I keep havin to go to growth doctors and c**p (used to be the tallest when I was little)  so if u had a growth spirt already u problobly wont grow anymore but it all depends on wat the doctor says

  4. till you get 24 you stop growing.

  5. you will know because u will not have grown for a long time.  also....did u realize you posted this in the lawn and garden section?? haha!

  6. males stop growing when they reach 18

    and females stop going when they get there first period

  7. Every person is different. You could have two short parents and end up being 6'2" because of a recessive gene in your family.

    And incidentally, your nose and ears never stop growing. They just grow far more slowly than the rest of your body.

    Your growth also depends on how well you eat. Not how much you eat, but how well.

    If you observe many people (in general) in third world countries that don't eat well or are malnourished tend to be extremely short.

    For example, how do you tell the difference between a North Korean and a South Korean? South Koreans (in general) are taller and have more muscle mass. That's not to say there aren't tall people in North Korea, or short people in South Korea - I am just giving you a general idea.

  8. you will grow tall till your 22 but you will always lose and gain weight :D

  9. humans don't stop growing until the age of 33, but its major spurt from 13 to 18. not much after that

  10. the closest way to knowing is if your parents logged how tall you were when you were 2 yrs old, just doiuble your hight at the age of 2 and that is the appx height you will max out at

    taller isnt always better thoguh...    im 18 and 6'2"    my knees are already bad

    taller people generally have more bone problems and live less than average and shorter people

  11. you'll grow untill your 25 i think

  12. most teen guys grow the most between the ages of 13-17 , but another way to tell is if you dont grow for awhile and i mean awhile

  13. Impossible for us to tell :-)

  14. when you die

  15. if you go to the doctor they can check your growth plates and give you a pretty accurate estimate

  16. The only way you will now for sure that you stopped growing is going to the hospital. They will do some scans and x-rays on your growth plate and see if they are all worn out. I had this done to me before. If you wantto grow more stretch a lot. This is the greatest way in growing the extra distance. And ofcourse drink 2 cups of milk everyday.

  17. u wont know, its random

  18. you will be able to tell when you are done growing when you stop getting taller. it is different for every boy. My brother was about 5'8" and then around junior year he shot up too 6'2" soo you never kno. Just hope that doesnt happen to you he has insane stretch marks on his back from it.

  19. One way to know ur still growing there are air gaps in your bones still so listen for push ups pop ur ankle not ur nuckles......

  20. you cant know for sure but most guys stop growing when theyre like 18-20.

    but whys your question in the garden & landscape section?


  21. keep stretching.




  22. well, fyi- guys grow slower than girls. all the guys in my grade r short right now (freshman) but all the seniors r 5ft 10 - 6ft 2. they r HUUUGGEE. so dont worry, ull be big and tall. just drink alot of milk. xoxo

  23. Your Doctor can tell you that. You can grow for a few more years. I do think it's funny that this question is in Garden And Landscape.  Just FYI

  24. i expect you will have a growth spurt at around 18 or 19, but i  have no idea how many inches.

    you only  know that you are done growing when you have had several years of not needing to change to a different clothing size.

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