
How will i know when the baby "drops"?

by  |  earlier

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I am 36 weeks and one day pregnant. I often feel a lot of pressure in my lower abdomen, but i still have trouble breathing. Is there a definite way to know if the baby has dropped.




  1. I asked that same question a zillion times at the tail end of my pregnancy.

    You'll know when your baby has dropped.  You'll get some awful shooting pains in your groin region where you are unable to walk and then it will move into your pubic bones/hips.  You will start walking VERY slow after that.  Every step will become painful.

    You'll know.  Trust your instincts.  Congratualtions and good luck on the delivery of your baby.

  2. Your belly will be lower, you will breathe better and you wont get as full as fast

  3. You'll just know! It will sit lower in you, but you'll know....Good Luck and CONGRATS!

  4. Your stomach should appear to be considerably lower than when you first start out in early pregnancy.

  5. dont worry just relax

    you will know when your about to have a baby

    all the best

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