
How will life change with the death of Tim Russert?

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  1. Life will change for his family and some of his friends and colleagues. It's sad when someone dies suddenly like this.

  2. Tim Russert was a man of integrity and it was always unequivocal his devotion to honesty, truth and to keep his own, political ideas to himself, never, ever will we know them, and that is the sigh of a true reporter. He shan't live to see January 2009, but I have not a doubt in my mind that would make me think that he doesn't know who will win; for a reporter he had great judgment.

    I respect all views, but remember that the phrase 'son of GOD' isn't without controversy. I say this as a Muslim.

    Ha, it is a free world...if only...

    Don't 'hate' just because of different ideas and beliefs and that is something Russet always did; Russet was an example for all of us; Open mindedness will aid us, Russet thought us that.

    I use to watch meet the press even though I am not an American because I loved the skill of the reported/lawyer named Tim'll be hard to replace him

    xxbrayden.un.brandedxx. 15. london. uk

    scene is not em0

  3. Huh???

    He was a TV reporter. He wasn't a scientist on the verge of finding the cure for cancer.

    Edit: If your life is going to change because a TV newsman is or isn't on TV anymore, you need to seriously look at your life. I suggest you get out in the world more, do some good, help humanity.

  4. I just found out about it not even 15 minutes ago. Life won't change. But this truly sucks.

  5. He was honest and intelligent and I feel another good one is gone.

  6. It won't mate.   No 'human' death ever changed life.  

    Only the Son of God managed that.

    Think Princess D.  Gone, but.... forgotten.

    Edit: Oh Funkyjed.  Have you no other way of expressing yourself other than the thumbs down?......sad.

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