
How will my cat react to the twins?

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I have a cat, and I'm also pregnant with twins. How will my cat react when the twins arrive. I'm going to be so focused on them, that maybe he'll feel like I don't care about him or something. How did your cat react and how to you think mine will?




  1. i think your cat will be fine, make sure you don't let it jump in to your babies cots though. my cat reacted just fine when i had my 1st, she knew when to stay away and when to have cuddles. don't frett to much about how the cat will react, he should be fine...until they start pulling on his ears and lifting his tail lol cats are quite tolerant sometimes

  2. I have 12 year old twin girls    I had 2 cats when i was pregnant    one of them use to lay on my belly and purr to calm them down! your cat will be fine     just remember to show him  you love him too when they come along!

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