
How will my daughter react to a change in routine

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She is 2 and a half, her dad is away (as of 4 hours ago) for a week, she has never expereinced a day without him before. She is ok right now because it is day time and she is used to him being at work, but when she has had her nap she will be expecting him home soon. Who has seen what happens when a parent goes away for a while? I want to know how she is likely to be affected and how to deal with her being upset or unsure




  1. she may ask where daddy is, but it should be temporary ...allow her to talk to him on the phone, draw a pic with her for him and each day when she asks do something for her to keep that connection.

    Don't become overanxious, she will react more to that.

    Remind her he will be home soon, but 2 year olds dont really get the time concept...keep her connected with special phone calls, pictures or projects til he returns.


  2. She might be a little upset,just try explaining to her that daddy is fine,and will back in a few days.To make her feel even better tell her he is coming back on ice cream day,and mark it on the calender.Then of course go out for ice cream on the day he comes back.

  3. Well when either my mum or dad or both would go away on business trips when I was little, they would tell me to call them ( after her nap would be a good time because that is when she is used to seeing him). Little kids don't really understand complex ideas so just tell her daddy had to go a away for a little but he will be back really soon. If she really has a freak out try and find a t-shirt of his that smells like him (for some reason thats really comforting to little kids) and just let her sleep with it. Phone calls are going to be a part of keeping her from getting upset but the biggest will be keeping her busy enough so that she doesn't notice, set up little activities for her during the day and night so that she doesn't have time to really think about him being gone. A bedtime phone call to say goodnight would probably be a good idea.

  4. Your daughter is going to have many days in which she experiences something "she's never experienced before".  Every day in her life is an opportunity for her to grow.  This is just an early one.  Most kids have to separate from a parent at one time or another.  Most kids come out fine!

    Children are able to cope with situations better when their parents handle the event properly.  If it upsets you that Daddy is gone, it will be upsetting for her.  If you are confident and not dramatic, your daughter will mimic your attitude.  Drama begets drama.  Peace begets peace.  Choose your path this week wisely, because what you reap, in this case, your little one will also sow.

  5. If he can use a phone, let her talk to him. Let her know that he will be back. Keep her busy. Take her to the park or some other fun place. Stay up and watch a movie with her. Have fun with snack time. Buy her a toy that will keep her busy a while. Just keep her entertained!

  6. She will get use to it.  Explain that daddy has to go to work.  Don't make him stay for a long goodbye that will just make it hard for your hubby to get out the door.  Give them a kiss goodbye and tell them you will see them later and walk away.  She will probably cry the first few times to see you or your hubby leave but when you come back she will get use to it.  When parnet walks out the door go on to do something as you would normally and go about your day.  Like continue eating and finishing breakfast.  Read a story.  

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