
How will my pregnant cat react to my new male cat who is spayed

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will she attack him or will he attack her kittens when they r born help plz im getting him soon




  1. Ifs shes prego its not going to matter if the other cat is male or female, fixed o not. If he gets to close, she will prob kick his butt. Also, make sure that after the babies pop out, keep them completely separated. If he gets near the kittens she will hurt him or if his smell got on them when she went to eat or something she could refuse them. Good luck

  2. if the male is fixed he should laeve em alone um she might hiss or swat at him if he gets to close to the kittens until  there older

  3. Your male cat is neutered. When the kittens ar of age, get your female cat spayed. The mother cat will watch over her kittens. Very seldom will a male cat harm them. If your female and male cat get along now, there should be no problem. When she has the kittens make sure that she has a private out of the way area like a closet, to give birth and nurse them.

  4. a fixed male should ignore kittens.

    mom should ignore a fixed male, aside from the usual not liking a new cat issues.

  5. she might wink at him and wear a bra and some red lipstick


  6. she's gonna taunt him for his lack of masculinity

    he's gonna feel stunted

    she's gonna flaunt that bump in a "what can you do boy" kinda way

    he'll feel inadequate and sit on your knee a lot

    and purr

    and get all the lovin

    SERIOUSLY>>>> he's very unlikely to attack the kittens, not in any serious way that she can't bat him down for.

    She wont let them out of her sight.

    Its the un-neutered males you gotta watch out for- i've had awful experiences with neighbours unneutered males attacking my cats kittens, beheading them, so he could mate with her , and make sure his competition were out of the running in the genetics stakes.

    I may sound like i'm takin the p**s, but i bet she will bat him round the head a few times, show him where his place is, and he will come a runnin to Mommy to feel he has a place in the home.

    it will be a tougher time for him than the family unit i reckon

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