
How will obama acomplish his goals.?

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i cant find anything on how he will do what he is promising.any links would be great.




  1. He will do just like every President before him. If you know what they did, then you have your answer. He is not going to run this country by himself and will have plenty of help and advisors.

  2. He cannot possibly fulfill his promises yet the groupies will follow him anyway.

  3. How will he implement?

    How will he compromise when needed?

    What are the obstacles to some of the programs?

    What are time frames for programs?

    These are some things that have to be addressed in reality... but it's just ideas without this substance, and it's mind-boggling that so many are happy with just his ideas without the framework of the realities...

    Change is nothing more than a slogan if the realities aren't met.. I am afraid if elected he could be a very unprepared and poor President.

    McCain at least sounds as if he has had a reality check or two along the way, and while not perfect a great deal more common sense>< With the unknown and unforeseen definitely to come at the President, I can't go with a dreamer.

  4. Obama won't, my fellow colleague will simply fail if elected.

  5. Theft of wealth for the purpose of redistribution.

  6. he doesn't tell us he just puts the plans out there and say I;m not like Bush well that's not enough that's why i won't vote for him

  7. He has not said one word about *how* he would fulfill any of his promises.

    No plan?  No way. No how.  No Obama.

  8. Not sure and neither is he. Can't find any links because there aren't any.

    "change that is all you'll have left"

  9. Whether or not you plan to vote, please say a prayer for our nation.

    OBAMA 2008

  10. Well, for increased spending the answer is yes.

    For increasing the oil supply the answer is no.

    For raising wages the answer is no. He doesn't understand global economics. He also contributes to the problem.

    For foreign relations he has a big F stamped on his forehead. He is clueless. He is also on video saying Iran is no great threat to us

  11. read his website, sheesh. He won't have the help from the right, that's for sure--you know, those that will continue to denigrate, demean and dismiss obama and his millions of followers as they work to clean up the mess left by boy george.

  12. Thus the empty suit. He's fake and will get his a** kicked during the first debate.


  14. You mean he will actually have to do something?

  15. thank you for your question...i was wondering the same thing and now i don't have to ask.

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