I think that most people even if they start off being good, eventually burn out or turn bad from all the problems and craziness/insanity in life.
We currently live in a pretty much anything goes, fast-paced, and pretty crazy society. People feel that they can do anything they want, and nothing can stop them. That's how it is.
Freedom on one hand, but at the same time, our morals, sense of right and wrong are completely drained.
Nowadays its completely okay to have s*x, lots of it, drugs, alcohol, cheat, lie, whatever, as long as you don't get caught.
It's almost encouraged to be smart, even if its for evil gains, than be a good person and a s*****k at that.
Also the speed of everything. Multi-tasking, being on the go, and being self serving are the norm of the day.
Also, if that's not enough, add "must have the best technology, must have the best everything" to the mix too.
The problem is 6 years from now, all the money and effort you spent on the "best" will be outdated, so you need to dig into your pockets again and get the "best" of everything once more. And so the cycle continues.
Then 6 years later, your looks go, and you age, and there are better, hotter, younger people now who steal your spotlight.
I mean, this whole frantic, competitive, and completely godless way of life, has got to negatively affect our future and what we value.
We've already sold our souls to business and putting value outside of the individual.
The individual person means ntohing nowadays. You're expendable, you're just another dude, a brick in the wall, a buddy, whatever, and people use you, or if they don't need you, you don't matter whatsoever.
When you walk around in any mall, you're just another walking piece of meat, displaying clothes. You're not a "person."
Human life has become cheap.
This society is pretty bad, and how will this affect our future?