
How will putting conservation and natural resources into curriculum help the environment?

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From Global warming to loss of habitat, there are a lot of things going on in this world. Please explain in depth how teaching this in schools will help the world, and its future. Thanks!




  1. Pythagoras was not borne with great theorems, neither madam Quri was borne with platinum nor Einstein came to this world with his great physics formulas.  They all studied basics of there subject, then only they were able to give something new to this world.  

    School children are future generation, they should know what are the problems in front of us, how they were tackled in past?, is that was effective or not?, what were its side effects?  Etc…………..

  2. its the same as recycling when taught at a younger age you grow up knowing it is the right thing.Same as seat belts if you grow up having to wear them as a kid them you wear them as an adult.Conservation and knowing about or natural resources and teaching it to our youth can only be a good thing an educated population is a right and just population.When people know were products come from and that it is not a unlimited product then the world will become a smarter and caring place.

  3. It raises awareness and gets people thinking about things they may not have otherwise even considered.

  4. Only a well educated populous can make changes that are right. We have to understand how each one of our choices changes our life, our community, our state, our nation, our world. Conserving energy and using it effectively are big challenges. Learning about human behavior is part of the process. without habitat we die in the process. our future is best when we learn from the past and do not make the same old mistakes.

    Have fun

  5. it will only help if students are given the opportunity to think so then they will be prepared to solve problems when the graduate. if they only regurgitate multiple choice answers then they will not be good at creating new ideas.

    Considering what has happened since they pulled Civics from high school curriculum, we ought to believe that teaching responsible actions could work...since there is an entire generation that has not really learned how our government is supposed to function, and now it is being dismantled bit by bit in the guise of protecting us.

  6. It will save the planet. Younger people will

    be more willing to change their lifestyle, to

    actually recycle,reduce, and reuse the

    resources in the world.

  7. If people are aware of how much of a problem pollution and the oil crisis really are, and how much room there is for improvement, they will be more willing to accept the change or even help it.

    Indoctrination from a young age certainly helps.

  8. don`t go brain washing a 6 year old and scare that kid into believing something that not true

  9. It won't help the world. It will give support to the radical left communist by teaching lies, wrapped in myths, surrounded by misconceptions.

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