
How will sanctuary cites react to I.C.E. raids on businesses that employ illegal, alien residents in the USA?

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How will sanctuary cites react to I.C.E. raids on businesses that employ illegal, alien residents in the USA?




  1. They will probably throw tantrums and scream racism as usual.

  2. i am sure the city officials will stand with the citizens who chose them knowing their stances in immigration ,  of course there is little they can do but to condemn such actions ... i remember once than corygraph said than those who had been here for ten thousand years had more of a claim to be here than those who just arrived 200 hundred years ago and idk i guess he had a  point , anyways i believe than helping others and to finally legalize them would not make us less than a great country , in fact i believe than standing for the less fortunate would help not only them but would help us gain friends in this world in which is being American is not always a good thing .

    just as a note i think than anyone should cooperate 100 percent when it comes to violent crimes and criminals .

  3. THey will--finally and at last--respond in the favor of the federal law, not against it.

    I'm sick of traitors and americans who flagrantly flaunt their non compliance with our immigration laws.

    Thanks for asking.

  4. Last sunday, the LA times had an article about San Fancisco.   A dangerous illegal immigrant was released and murdered a man and some kids.   They are planning to drive the mayor out,because he ordered the police to be hostile towards immigraiton.   The Myor, I believe, Newsom, claim that in these circumstances, the police WAS suppose to contact immigration, but immigration did not.  Immigration complain that they contacted San Francicso, and they made no mention of the murderer, and released him after the call.   San Francisco , on books, promise to be more cooperative in handing over illegal immigrants who commit certain crimes.    This was due to criminal activities of the illegal immigrants that offended the city.  

    Villargosa, stated that he does support immigration to the fullest on handing over "Criminal" illegal immigrant.  

    My guess, since these cities are sympathetic to illegal immigrants in the beginning, it would get mix response.  

    I am a little annoyed, but that's because the crack down on illegal immigration has drawn more illegal immigrants to the sanctuary cities.   I think it's partly as punishment to the sanctuary cities for being uncooperative to the federal government, and because it's easier to catch the illegal immigrants.  Herd them into a few areas and round them up.  

    Nice to see you around.  Haven't seen you for a while.    

  5. LOL they would cry saying it violates their rights... h**l what about our rights......

  6. I don't think they are overly concerned about it. Arizona passed the big bad law in January and there has not been ONE case prosecuted. It is all smoke and mirrors, big talk that will end with a resolution with the new administration. If they had wanted to do something about it they would have done it years ago. Does anyone really think 12 million or so illegals popped up overnight?

  7. It really does not matter how they react.  Federal law trumps state and local law.

  8. Any Mayor or Governor that has an active sanctuary city,  should be charged for aiding and abetting criminals.

    They should also be denied federal funding until they comply with US law.

  9. I could care less how sanctuary cities will react, they are in the wrong for harboring criminals and should be cut off from all federal funding.

    Viva La I.C.E. raids.

    Glad I don't live in one.

  10. I think any tax paying American would rejoice!

  11. Game O and Cheelicious basically state my opinion completely. On the one hand, the elected will stand by the citizens that put them in the office. At the same time, nothing will really "get done" because it is all a farce that MAY come to an end with the new administration (though I wouldn't necessarily bet on that, either).  

  12. The citizens will rejoice and put on a huge party for the ICE folks doing their job!

  13. They will whine a lot.  They will do everything they can to keep the cheap labor and they will twist arms in Congress.  Something interesting out there...

    I think folks who want the immigration issue settled with and by law should take a look at him.

  14. I've heard that the mayor of San Francisco just resigned and that there have been protests. I don't really know of any other "sanctuary cities."

  15. Who really cares!

    The cities are breaking the law.

    The mayor and chief of police should be thrown in jail!

    They will cry and whine, but so what!

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