
How will the Arab terrorists work around the election system, if need be, to get their man in as...?

by  |  earlier

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...commander in chief of their new army in the middle east? The Wizard of Oz said "you do not need a military. You need a friend in the Whitehouse". All that is required to be perfectly legal is that the friend be "Born in America".




  1. Seems like they have one working the system now

  2. The long term plan is to immigrate to America and have children here - the parents aren't eligible to hold public office, but their children are - and those children will carry their message into mainstream politics.

    Read the book "Future Jihad" - by Walid Phares for some scary insight into their plans for the world and us....

  3. Terrorists aren't that smart. They blow stuff up with just a crazy promise. The scenario you are presenting is highly unlikely.

  4. Stop it!!!!

  5. I can not believe that anyone, who had not suffered a brain injury could post that so skewed a question

    I hope you are feeling better soon.

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