
How will the Chinese Government respond to terrorism?

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I'm both curious and apprehension to see how this plays out.

A few years ago they responded to a non-violent mass rally with tanks.





    there are many muslims in china & their aim is the same as other radical muslims.

    world dominance & jihad, by any means possible.

    they would prefer we all pray to allah, live by sharia law, follow the koran..........

    or we can die infidels.

    terrorists will decide the chinese government can be infidels, too!

    so we can only guess the chinese reaction in return.

    A communist regime backlash on a domestic/invading terrorism will be messy, difficult to cover-up & they'll use greater force than the usual

    as" re-education by hard labour " like they dish out to their own, won't work this time.

    I feel sorry for all the innocents, caught in the cross fire.

  2. Since China is becoming a major economic power, the jihadists will have to turn their sights on them, too, but al Qaeda will soon discover that their methods are self-defeating and democracy and freedom will always trump fascism.

    Why be apprehensive? At least they know how to deal with criminals and terrorists: zero tolerance. Yes, their human rights policy could use an extreme makeover, but criminals are punished the way they should be.

    Lucky for the Chinese, a middle eastern jihadist is easier to spot in Beijing amongst the general population and Political Correctness hasn't crippled law enforcement over there like it has here. You can't even say 'Muslim Extremist' without someone from the Criminal Liberties Union suing you here in the US.

  3. they have the tanks and the anti aircraft guns at the ready.

  4. This is something I'm going to be watching, too. In all honesty, it would be very interesting to see the difference between a communist country's reaction to it compared to our democracy.

  5. I've never heard of terrorists attacking in China .  The Chinese are a bit strict about breaking the law .... They'd be killed immediately .

  6. Uh, tell Pakistan to watch the border?

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