
How will the GOP explain away the poor standard of living figures that just came out for 2000-2007?

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The ECI report showed that most everyone who logs on to Yahoo Answers realized a NEGATIVE income gain for the first time in history. See for yourself:

No amount of spin will put those increased productivity dollars into your pockets -- the corporations you were super-productive for already got them! Aren't you glad you worked all that overtime?

So, how do you suppose the GOP will explain that?




  1. McCain thinks that the Economy is going just great!! You know what they say, 'The rich get richer' in times of poverty. That is really true. I bet McCain is cashing in on all those foreclosed homes. That is probably why he has ten homes!!  Remember when he said, that he is NOT going to do anything to help the average american??? Until the polls reflected badly on THAT message. So he later readjusted his speech.

  2. Funny, I looked at the entire linked article and saw nothing about Yahoo Answers users.  Not surprising, considering many are not in the US.  I recommend you research economic cycles and realize that they are not tied to a specific president or political party.  As long as the US is a free-market economy, the free-market is going to determine the economy.  Any gov't influence will be minimal, and rightly so.

    As far as the spin goes, the spin is in your article.  1.3% increase in income?  Sounds like a little more than "NEGATIVE" income.  Get your facts straight moron.

  3. They will blame it on Clinton! Or Carter! They will never admit that they have totally screwed up the economy. They won't even admit that George W. has been a disaster.  

  4. I'm better off today than I was in 2000, then again,  I work hard and don't complain like your average liberal.

  5. A democratically controlled congress and all the grease and corruption that has gone hand in hand with every Democrat since the start of the " party"  

  6. What makes them solely responsible for the perfomance of our economy. That Dems had absolutely nothing to do with any of it. Better that we look at it now and see that things are changing for the better. And with the work of everyone involved, lead by a Persident unafraid to make the difficult, and unpopular decisions to lead the way. The massive ship that is the US economy is turning around.

    Personally, I made more during the Bush administration, than I ever did during Clinton.  

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