
How will the Giants do since Osi Umenyiora is out for the season?

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How do you think they will do? They won't even make the playoffs.

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  1. They would not make the playoffs with him. No effect. I knew he got hurt. I did not know it was season ending.

  2. Michael Strahan will be asked to play one ,more year i hope hes an amazing player but they should still be fine but they will feel affects from this.

  3. Either Way, the Giants would not have made the Playoffs.

  4. It really doesnt matter, since their pass rush iss till ridiculously great. I believe Justin Tuck is going to have a great season, and make up for Osi's loss.

  5. They weren't going make the play-offs anyway,8-8 at best...LMAO !coming from a DIE-HARD COWBOYS FAN !


  6. The giants will still win the superbowl this year now don't get me wrong osi was a major part of the puzzle but we have great depth on defense  and plus Eli and the offense is going to do very well this year and for all the people who are writing "ohh the giants aren't going to make the play offs this year" are cowboys fans who has probably the worst playoff Qb in the history of the NFL and not mention the cowboys wont even go to the playoff this year. or you are either patriots fans who are still sore because the so called "greatest team ever" failed oh and Tom Brady is the biggest @$$ Hole i have ever seen so thats it Giants i can see easily going 12-4 and win the superbowl  

  7. Putting down the G-men? You must be a Patcheats fan,or a Cowboy lover, Shows your jealous of the Giants superbowl victory, Get over it

  8. It wouldn't have mattered, they lost way too many players during the offseason.

  9. Mathias Kiwanuka is the answer to this question. He was an all american DE in college and the original Michael Strahan replacement when he was drafted. A natural DE and a fast strong player. He can pick up the slack. Especially sinc he will be underrated, Tuck will get the majority of the double teams, leaving a faster, Stronger Kiwanuka to get some chances at the QB.

    However, the Giants fate was doomed before Osi went down. The have 1 good linebacker, and a miserable secondary. (Aaron Ross and Kenny Phillips are th only bright light in that future). They have a shot at the wild card at best.

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