
How will the U.S. government track an estimated 20 million illegals?

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....and then send them all back? I'm curious to know just how some of you expect this all to happen...




  1. Illegals and their supports need to admit they are not needed and will never be needed and area a nuisance and cancer to the U.S.

  2. I suspect they will offer amnesty to cut the number to a couple of million, then they will be able to locate many of the remainder (who will not come forward because they are criminals or the like).

  3. They can't and nobody is going to be able to give you a straight answer to that question. Your question is PRECISELY why we have to "ease up" and make it easier for people to come here legally. And change policies so that the hard working and desirable illegals that are already here will come forward on their own and do the right thing. And REALLY penalize the employers who are knowingly hiring illegals (especially violating THEIR HUMAN RIGHTS by paying less than minimum wage). And putting more pressure on Mexico and other countries for their GOVERNMENTS to solve their economic issues instead of encouraging everyone to come here.

    This issue is far, far more complicated than blaming people who are so desperate to have a better life that they often LITERALLY RISK DEATH just to get here.

    But (seemingly) nobody at Yahoo Answers ever gets it.

    Incidentally, I count just ONE person here who actually took a stab at ANSWERING THE QUESTION YOU ASKED.

    This is pretty typical around here too.

  4. dont try use logic with anti immigrants, they live in lala world

  5. Quote:

    "We are NOT the minority anymore"

    What the h**l does that mean we are not the minority anymore, illegal are not a race or nationality thus are not defined my a minority or majority, freaking pro-illegals crack me up with their idiocy.  I think your average pro-illegal/illegal themselves have below a 4th grade education : )

  6. Send all 20 million back? Hahahaha... that's so freakin' funny, LOL, keep dreaming. That will never happen, they're all staying here so rather than complaining, learn to live with them. Have a taco!

  7. They won't. They don't want to admit it but they can't.

  8. Radio collars and ear tags.

  9. The main way is to convince employers that if they hire illegals they will be fined and jailed.

    Take away the work and you take away their incentive for coming here.

    ICE has made a good start by tracking every illegal in every state and federal penal system and placing deportation holds on them. They will  all be deported AFTER they complete their jail time

    Illegals are now receiving jail sentences if they are caught trying to sneak into the US after being deported. . Right now more and more employers are using the social security database that exposes illegals making use of fraudulent SS numbers.

    States like Arizona, Florida and Oklahoma have passed legislation that cracks down on any illegal stopped by law enforcement for even minor traffic and civil violations.

    If the American people demand it it will be done.

  10. A great many have left on their own due to enforcement of existing laws and the creation of sanction laws targeting employers. If you look at the numbers you will see the the tide has turned. It is not as big a problem as many would like you to believe, what we are doing now is working.

  11. They won't, the trick is to make it darn near impossible for them to work here by fining employers along with increased pressure on the illegals themselves and many will self deport.  Take away the reason they come here in the first place and that will solve a big part of the problem.

  12. It won't!! Trust me, were not going anywhere! We are NOT the minority anymore. You need us, admit it!

  13. It is not possible, a deal will be cut, life will go on, the antis will find another race to hate like they always do, same s*x marriage is becoming an issue, it may interest them, it does involve one of the phobes.

  14. That would be hard to do, but someone has been thinking about it. Undocumented/illegal alien males between the ages of 18-25 are  now required to register for Selective Service - the draft.  And you don't need a social security number to register.  And failure to register could affect getting citizenship and other benefits. Think about it.....

  15. they just say that too p**s the legal resident living here,

  16. Don't use logic with pro-illegals, after all they are "for" criminal behavior which leads to the destruction of this once great nation, now that's sad.

  17. Probably CIA Knows It All !

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