
How will the US try to compete with the LHC?

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How will the US try to compete with the LHC?





  2. US institutions have built some major components of the LHC and are very much a part of it. There is talk of basing an electron/positron collider in the US, but other nations would be a large part of that too.

  3. We won't. The USA has lost the national will to do anything on an epic scale. The USA needs to regain its vision. We had it once, but we've lost it.

  4. i agree with Eri.. Initially The Large Hadron Collider Project was planned to be build in Dallas, Tx... The LHC is a Unified Scientific Approach to Recreate the conditions that where present @ 1 millionth fraction of a second just after the BIG BANG.. thus Physicist from different geographical locations and origins are participating in this new scientific breakthroug to better understand the Universe.

  5. Think of it not as competition, but rather, as


    Lol kidding of course. The LHC is a great asset to the entire scientific community, and the fact that it's not in the United States doesn't mean that US scientists don't get the share the results. Besides, there are US scientists working there anyway.

  6. No need to compete.  Many US scientists are working with the CERN scientists already, and many more will apply for time on the LHC.

  7. It would really be a waste of money because many US scientists are working with CERN on the LHC. The LHC is a multi-national project. Although mankind loves to compete, I would rather not turn science into a competition between countries.

  8. The Large Hadron Collider has a lot of international support from other countries.

  9. Missed our chance, really. There were plans to build a superconducting supercollider (SSC) down in Texas, but congress in their infinite wisdom chose to cancel it. It would have made the LHC look tiny.

  10. this will be the first time since WW2 that physicists will actually be LEAVING the US to find work.  Remmeber WW2?  When antisemitism drove out Einstein and the like from Germany?   Now they will be heading to France/Switzerland.  Another step towards the end of a US superpower.  

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