
How will the application of the Kyoto Protocol, linked to Global Dimming, worsten climate change.?

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All assumptions relating to the "Theory of Global Dimming" have been proven. Therefore it is no longer a theory but rather fact. So how will the results of a theory based solution (Kyoto Protocol) generated before Global Dimming was proven, be impacted by, or impact on, Global Dimming?




  1. Global dimming is the gradual reduction in the amount of global direct irradiance at the Earth's surface that was observed for several decades after the start of systematic measurements in 1950s. It is thought to have been caused by an increase in particulates such as black carbon in the atmosphere due to human action. The effect varied by location, but worldwide it was of the order of a 4% reduction over the three decades from 1960–1990. The trend reversed during the past decade. Global dimming has interfered with the hydrological cycle by reducing evaporation and may have caused droughts in some areas. Global dimming also creates a cooling effect that may have partially masked the effect of greenhouse gases on global warming.

  2. Global warming is no more proven then the earth being flat is proven, In fact the theory is starting to fall apart and the only people who still cling to this hoax are the uneducated and those who have something to gain by keeping this hoax alive. Do you realize that 98% of ice sheets in Antartica and the Artic are actually increasing? Did you know that many of the top scientists in the world are now predictiong a cooling period for our earth beginning around 2010? Probably not because if it does not go along along with your twisted reasoning you shrug it off. The Kyoto accord was signed by some corrupt leaders mainly in Western Europe who can care less about the people they are suppose to represent. I guess who cares about spending trillions on a hoax it is better than spending it to find a cure for cancer or to build a car that actually does not create smog. Oh I forgot, you don't really want a car that does not create smog because that would do away with your mass hesteria and your so called European leader would need some other issue to stay in power. Using the scare of global warming is just so much more convienient. It is easy to scare people. Who does not want to prevent smog? It is easy to find a handful of quack scientists to perpetuate the scare.

    I am asking for society to wake up! Only God can change the climate on earth and unless you think men are some sort of gods we have no power to make the earth warm than we have the power to make the earth flat. Let's not go back to the middle ages to learn science. This is the 21st century I would have hoped that society would have become more educated but maybe I am wrong!

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