
How will the billions of dollars made by the oil company's, be spent?

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will they share it with all of the people who's lives they have changed, will they buy food for the people who are now going hungry. How could so few people cause so much grief by just creating an artificial lack of supply in the world market, they need to face a world court for for indecent behavior against there fellow human beings




  1. They will buy back their own stock options and s***w the rest of us

    The reason a private companies profits are our business is because, They have the only viable product for running our cars. We don't have a choice on fuel. We need gas, they have a responsibility to their customers. If there were other sources then I would say sure, that's none of our business. But they have what we need and can put any Price on it. h**l ya, it's my business

  2. That's why we need Palin she has all ready attacked and won the oil co. and gave back the money to Alaska!! Has Obama done that?

  3. They'll use it to develop new oil fields.

    They'll use it to pay their shareholders and increase their share value.

    And guess who owns shares in these companies?  Anybody who has invested in a retirement plan that includes stock purchases.. so there's a good chance you, your parents or your grand parents own some.  So, when will you and your family be heading off to jail?  Afterall, you're guilty of crimes against humanity.. right?

  4. Why do you care what they do with their profits?  How is that your business?

    Why don't I ask the same of you - what are you doing with every extra cent you make?  Do you go out to dinner, go to a movie, amusement park, mini golf, etc.?  You could use a lot of the money you make to feed starving kids you'll never meet in some country you've never heard of, but I'm guessing you don't either.

    Until you're buying only what you absolutely need to survive, stop pointing fingers.

  5. They will spend it on finding and producing more oil.  The rapid drop (like the rise) in the price of oil is because of speculative traders.  The net profit oil companies make is almost 10%.  Maybe some tech companies like Microsoft and Yahoo whose profit is more than 30% will also distribute their riches.

    These companies share the money by providing jobs to many and stock dividends to investors.

  6. Democrats and OPEC cause an artificial lack of supply in the world market, not the oil companies.

    And they should spend it however they want.

    Addition:  This question is so socialist in nature it astounds me.

    That some people feel money made by a business should be funneled back to the society, ie, handouts and "wealth redistribution."

  7. and how 3 times that amount be spent by the government which is the amount of taxes the oil companies give the government

  8. On btches and gin and juice.

  9. They will spend it bribing our politicians to allow them to start drilling in our national parks.

  10. I think they will buy all the toys at WalMart.  Actually...i don't...but I asked my 4 year old nephew standing nearby and that's what he thinks.

  11. 1. Stock buybacks

    2. Propaganda commercials

    3. Corporate officer bonuses

    4. Hookers, blow, booze, and fillet mignon

    Like they have been doing.

  12. The oil companies spend the money on R&D, exploration (when permitted), dividends, investment pay-outs to pension plans, IRA's, 401K's, Health Care Plans, Taxes, bonds, insurance portfolios, community development programs and charity.  Their profit margin is rising but about 4% in the aggregate, among the lowest in the US business community.  When their taxes are raised another 15% by Charlie Rangle, nearly the entire list referenced above is going away and there will be no choice but to nationalize the companies like Hugo Chavez has.  The dominoes will fall because you'll have to rely solely on Social Security in your old age, you won't be able to get insurance of any kind at any price, charity recipients will now be on government entitlement rolls, there will be real, not manufactured, fuel shortages, (artificial shortages are constructed by the ARA in Rotterdam where the spot market crude prices are set by socialists, gleefully enabled and confirmed by the disaster loving, liberal US press) your bank will fail because it was owed money in the form of Petro Dollars now worthless, if you develop alternative fuels there will be no infrastructure to deliver it, petroleum related products such as fertilizer, medicine, chemicals and plastics will now be for sale on the black market, a new approach to recycling.  The US will be a soiled, disheveled, marginal place.  A huge version of Cuba.

    How's that for 'CHANGE'?

  13. you seem to be blaming the wrong people but the idea is correct.  how can so few politicians cause so much suffering of their own people.  the oil companies pay more in taxes to the federal government than they make in profits.   oil companies provide a service to people unlike the government that produces no revenue other than someone elses money that they spend with utter abandon.   you liberals need to do your homework before you spout off about half truths that seem to satisfy your sense of knowledge.   mr  doodles

  14. Buy some stock and attend meetings. As far as indecent behavior goes, You may charge Sandy Pelosi with "economic treason" and with my "most sincerest blessing" !!

  15. They've already spent it all on hookers and blow.

  16. the 9 % profit margin will be put into exploration and production and spread among the investors that put forth the capital

  17. In order:

    1 - Research and development,

    2 - Stock buybacks,

    3 - Dividends, and

    4 - Acquisitions.

    BTW, you really shouldn't run around demonstrating your astounding ignorance of very, very basic economic realities.

    You do realize, don't you, that if the world were run the way you think it should be run that you'd be so much MORE unhappy than you are today that the irony would (for once) NOT BE LOST on you?

  18. s*x and drugs and rock and roll

    what else?

  19. Not sure, Joseph, how SHOULD a private company spend its money?

  20. Hear Hear !!!  Are not all of earth's resources to be shared among human beings?  The greedy few in power do not consider any but themselves, and are blatantly and rapidly depleting the world's abundance, which was intended to be respected, protected, and shared by all, and particularly applied to those in greataest need.  

    Much harm has come to our planet because of exploitation of those resources and, certainly, of humanity as well.  As individuals we must diminish our "footprint" and come into a consciousness of oneness, sharing our personal resources to the best of our ability.  Open, compassionate hearts will achieve what the powermongers have corrupted.  None of us (in spite of the "perceived" power of some) will escape the consequences of greedy self-interests.  

    Technologies have outpaced our ability to skillfully consider their outcomes, often bringing profits to the few rather than hope and positive change to the many.  i think of the overwhelming release of frivolous pharmaceuticals for every hangnail and hiccup, and other "healing" promises sold to the public via pervasive advertising suggesting a cure for every imagined illness...and the creation of a powerful lobby in Congress that influences legislation in favor of the industry.  Where do these huge profits go?  Certainly not toward the prevention of illness & disease, for this would stem the tide of profits.  

    All apparent social institutions are now imposed on us as essential (with more and more restrictive laws that force use to bend to the will of the few).  And they are manipulated to squeeze the maximum benefit for those at the top of the pyramid while rendering those at the lower levels to have-nots and a growing victim status.  

    The oil industry has begun to grow like a curse on the planet, supported by the production of more and more expensive vehicles; yet the available technology to create environmentally "green" automobiles is suppressed (even though it is available, and has been for some time).  And we are held hostage to the  "representative" government that no longer represents us, for it is influenced by lobbyists from the powerful industries and run by those in their pockets.

    Inasmuch as it is the many for whom this beautiful planet exists, it is a crying (literally) shame that its potential has been outsourced into the pockets of the few.  We are all in this together, and harm to one is harm to all.  The world has come into the clutches of a handful of Puppeteers who are manipulating markets, weather, travel restrictions, personal freedoms, the judiciary and legal systems, educational systems, industries (consider the greedy outsourcing to other countries to squeeze ever more profit, while U.S. citizens are falling by the wayside financially), the medical/pharmaceutical/insurance fields, and every other possible aspect of our lives..  No area is untouched or beyond the control of those few greedy Profiteers. Humanity has fallen prey to a powerful predator.  Prepare for an apocalypse.  The writing is on the wall.

    i am Sirius  

  21. They will contribute to the G OP

    so they can keep their ungodly tax breaks !!!

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