
How will the climate be during August second half?

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We are planning to travel in Germany between 15th and 26th of August. (We know its a very advanced planning). I want to know what will be the temperature there? Will there be rains during this time. We are planning to take a rent a car. How does it work (rent a car) compared to US?

Thanks in Advance




  1. I would say this is near the best time of the year to go in my opinion!

    Planning now for August is NOT too far in advance. I always plan six months ahead of time.

    Average temperature would be the same as in New England USA around min of 70 up to as high as 90 for summer is still possibly there!! Not sure the Celsius conversion of the top of my head.

    If you want to rent a car, make sure you have an international drivers licence so there is no possible confusion with any authorities though your USA is good to use there it will save you possible hassle and confusion. You of course need a major credit card and usually have to be at least a certain age just as in the USA, here it is 21 or 25 but I am not 100% sure the age there for car renting but it has to be at least 18 for you cannot have a drivers license before 18 so id guess that or the same as ours. The locals here from Germany can tell you for certain the age for renting cars.

    Sometimes it is better to use bus and train passes over driving. The rules of the road are not totally the same as here and if you are not used to it you will be honked at and not feel very comfortable driving there unless you are from Boston or NYC LOL, they will fit right in hee hee. JK.

    Have fun feel free to email me if you have any other questions. I have been travelling there almost every year since 1990 and lived there before too!

  2. Normally this is the time with the best weather in Germany, but you never can be sure. We have had Augusts full of rain and below 20° C, so better be prepared. On the other hand, you can have all day sunshine and 30° Celsius as well.

  3. Well, it can be very different. I'm from Germany. Last summer June was hot but then in August we had a lot of rain and the temperatures were 20°. But in the summer of 2003 for example we had a so hot summer like I had never seen before. It was 35- 40° all the time and the sun was shining. There was almost no rain in this time. I except a hot summer this year and i think the temperatures will be 30° but you should be prepared for everything. (well, it won't snow.^^)

    Nice wishes.

  4. Unfortunately you can never be too sure about the weather.

    It should be warm and sunny, but you can have bad luck and it rains for two weeks.

    Here you can find a 3-day forecast as well as a longer term statistic climate:

    Just type in the city where you want to go and it'll show you.

  5. The temperatures in August is warm like 85-90. But often is thunderstorms and rain. Not every day. If you want to rent a car, better you do that from the US and pick up here at the Airport, I guess this way the prices are cheaper. Have fun and enjoy your trip in Germany, it is nice country.

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